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A curse unleashed will bring unexpected hearts together…

When an unforeseen magical incident occurs, setting off a long quiet curse, you’ve been sent in to deal with the situation.

But you won’t be alone.

Dealing with magic gone wrong is an everyday occurrence for you as a Tactical Agent of the secret supernatural and human run organisation known as ‘The Agency’, but being trapped in a cursed manor with another while realising there’s far more between the two of you than just duty…that’s where things get a little more complicated.


For NaNoRenO (a game jam held throughout the month of March) this year, I am hoping to complete the prologue of this supernatural romance visual novel. Why just the prologue? ‘Cause I’m realistic about what I can achieve as one person, hehe! But also because it’s going to be part of a much longer, commercial game eventually and I want to ensure the quality of it.

If I can, I am hoping to stretch myself to complete the full demo for The Curse of Creek Edge. The demo will include the prologue as well as the first chapter of each love interest’s route.

But we’ll see how it goes…


In The Curse of Creek Edge, a recent and unexpected supernatural event has caused a scar to cross through the town of Wayhaven. This in turn has stirred up a long dormant curse that had been laid upon a manor at the edge of the town. It’s been dormant so long, in fact, that no one even really remembers what the curse was, just that it was bad.

As the MC, you’ll play as a Tactical Agent for The Agency. In quick summary, The Agency is an organisation sponsored by governments all over the world to—very secretly—keep the supernatural and magical in check as well as provide help and support to supernaturals living in our world.

Instead of working in a team, a Tactical Agent works alone and is sent on solo missions where teams would draw too much attention or where more specific skills are needed.

But this mission is a little different, as you will be given the option to work with another agent.

You will be able to romance any love interest with any gender.

Speaking of, let’s meet the characters!


-The MC-

The main character is a long time Tactical Agent of The Agency with a stellar record and a reputation that’s known throughout many facilities. It will be the MC’s first time working in the Wayhaven facility. 

The MC’s name, gender, and pronoun will be decided by the player. The plan is to have sprite customisation. The MC is playable as one of five races:

~ Human: Humans are, well, humans. Since most missions involve going up against supernaturals, it’s very rare for humans to be sent in a team let alone as a Tactical Agent. There are only a handful of human Tactical Agents throughout all facilities over the world, so it’s quite the talk when one turns up.

~ Succubus/Incubus: As a subclass of vampire, this race doesn’t use blood as their main source of energy but instead the sexual desires and tension of others. As with most supernaturals, they have good healing abilities, but unlike other supernaturals they have pheromone abilities that can help them put others at ease, as well as draw truths from them that might be kept hidden. Their touch can also inspire heightened senses in others.

~Witch: Witches have the strongest influence on magics that run through our world. They can tap into and use magic for their use, as well as in some powerful cases they can even grow the magic at their disposal. Due to the small amount of magic in our world, it can be draining on the body and mind to use it, but Witches are powerful entities.

~ Phoenix: Phoenix are a race of supernatural people who resemble humans and not the birds which are also from legend. Phoenixes are known for their extreme healing and regeneration abilities, as well as the unusual gold gleam to their skin, which seems to add a layer of protection to them. The protection is probably needed due to the fact they are always at hot temperatures, this heat allowing them to scorch the air and use small bouts of fire.

~ Igigi: Nearly always referred to as ‘Earth Angels’, these rarer ‘Divine’ class of beings have incredible mental abilities which include blocking harmful attacks and reading the intentions of others. They have a solid connection to the earth and things which spring from it.


-Oberon Fuller-

(Love Interest)

Agent Fuller is a Tactical Agent stationed at the Wayhaven facility. Falling into the Tactical Agent role was due to his incredible abilities and record almost as good as the MC’s. But this role leaves him working alone, not something he favours. Soft spoken but powerful, he is looking to find a place amongst The Agency where he’s felt so lost before.


-Cleo Long-

(Love Interest)

As a rookie far longer than she’d like, Cleo is more than ready to pass her final trial and accompany a Tactical Agent out on a mission. But she’s no tenderfoot (a name given to young rookies) and has a great deal of knowledge and ideas of how she wants her career to go, even as ‘just’ a human. 



(Love Interest)

Not much is known about the strange figure that’s been seen haunting Creek Edge Manor. Just that she disappears as quickly as she appears and has done so over the many decades The Agency has been keeping eye on the house. Though she never attacks those who do enter the land, she seems protective of it.


-Pyrus Thorn-Blood-

(Love Interest)

Considering the only time anyone at The Agency has ever seen Pyrus is on a wanted bulletin, it doesn’t set the best first impression. But the Imp is wanted for questioning on suspicion of siphoning dangerous magics to sell to the black market, and his last known location was seen hanging around Creek Edge Manor.


I'm not 100% sure about the update I will do on Creek Edge. Definitely once a week with an extra bit for you guys on Patreon! But it might also be two times a week, seeing as it's only a month long game jam and I'm awfully excited :D




Lark is SO pretty I 😍😍😍😍😍😍



Katie Williams

Ahhh your vns were how I found you! I'm so excited to see another from you 💕


I'm really excited for this!!!😁 Can I ask what are the races for Lark and Oberon or is that to spoilery?


They look absolutely incredible and the premise sounds interesting. I'm really really excited for the prologue!!

Silver Fair

Very Interesting. Will the RO be set to be female or male or will be able to change? Just curious, either way, they look awesome!


I'm so excited! I really enjoy your past visual novels and am looking forward to this; sprite customization will be fun too! Will the events of TWC be mentioned in this game at all? with fly bys from Unit Bravo and the detective, or will they be kept separate?


I seriously can't wait for this!!! The LI's all sound/look compelling, I'm falling in love with them already 🙈 (Lark looks like a wood elf?? by any chance are either her and/or Oberon elves??👀) I'm so excited and good luck with this project!!

Jessica O.

All of the LIs looks interesting but uhhh Lark and Pyrus... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


i’m so excited to date fuller tbh 🥺💕💕💕 i care him

Luca San (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:22:39 Ooo This is awesome and the LI's are wow <3 I wonder since it's gonna be in Wayhaven would Unit Bravo and the detective be mentioned in it or like make an appearance O: anyways super excited hehe :D
2020-03-02 06:52:39 Ooo This is awesome and the LI's are wow <3 I wonder since it's gonna be in Wayhaven would Unit Bravo and the detective be mentioned in it or like make an appearance O: anyways super excited hehe :D

Ooo This is awesome and the LI's are wow <3 I wonder since it's gonna be in Wayhaven would Unit Bravo and the detective be mentioned in it or like make an appearance O: anyways super excited hehe :D


They will be slightly mentioned, but not too much. Wanted to keep it separate for those that haven't played Wayhaven


Oberon is a demon (pointy ears still though because I love pointy ears, hehe!). Lark's race will be discovered in-game... ;D


The events of Wayhaven will be mentioned a little, but the others won't make a cameo. With all the variations possible in the main series, it would make it too complicated, lol!


Oh.. Pyrus looks interesting! Looking forward to trying this out!