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I have returned! Internet is still a bit sketchy, but at least it's connecting now :D

But I've had a seriously productive week! The plans are speeding forward, even though my idea of pulling back on split chapters went down the drain pretty quick, lol. I think towards the end, there's split scenes or different versions of chapters for nearly every chapter. It'll be hard work, but with how branchy the story is, it needs it. Plus it'll be so awesome!

I've also pushed forward with Curse of Creek Edge. Getting super excited for that as NaNoRenO starts on Sunday, which means I can finally start working properly on it! I have all the art and assets listed that I need for the prologue and possibly the full demo...if I can manage it, lol. And it'll be nice to get full flow going.

So March is gonna be a SUPER busy month. Creek Edge will be full-on to get the prologue done for the end of March, and then writing on Book Three should begin around the middle of March. So seriously full speed ahead now!

And in preparation for Curse of Creek Edge going into production, I have the results of the poll for the main character's race choices! 

The poll was posted on Patreon, and the final 5 choices (from a poll of 16 choices) were decided by my amazing patrons!

From 321 votes (summary of the race posted with the choice):

- Succubus/Incubus (14% of votes): This race is a subclass of vampire, but instead of drawing energy from blood they draw energy from sexual desires or tension (they'd get a feast between the MC and M, hehe). They have pheromone abilities to help them put people at ease and see more clearly what they want, as well as abilities to make other's sense more heightened.

- Witch (13% of votes):  Natural witches have innate abilities that helps them shape and work with the magics that run in our world. Magic is not as strong in our world as the Echo World, but Witches are probably one the best races for tapping into what is there and even growing it for their uses. It drains the body and mind, but they’re are powerful entities. 

- Human (12% of votes):  Probably doesn't need much explanation, hehe! Though I will say that human Tactical Agents (agents who work alone, which is what the MC's role will be) are very rare and quite the talk when it happens. 

- Phoenix (9% of votes):  Not birds, no. But a race of human-like people called a Phoenix for their regeneration abilities as well as the unusual gleam to their skin, which adds a layer of extreme protection to their beings. They run INCREDIBLY hot, so hot in fact that they can scorch the air and use small bouts of fire to their whims. They are also incredibly light on their feet—not enough to fly, but enough agility that people may mistake it for flight. 

- Igigi (8% of votes):  More commonly referred to as 'Earth Angels'. They are part of the rarer 'Divine' class of races, which also includes Angels, Titans, etc. Igigi are good at reading others of all races, have mental abilities to help block harmful attacks, as well as good strength and healing abilities. 

The race choice won't have too much affect on things, but will add some interesting differences throughout the game so will hopefully add that extra personalised touch!

So here's to an exciting month ahead full of exciting projects! :D


For Update+ this week, I thought people might like to see a little scrawl of notes I add as I do my planning for Book Three:

Whether or not this goes into Book Three has already been decided and put into the plans...

Hope you all have an amazing week, and I'll talk to you next week! :)


Silver Fair

Exciting news. Can't wait for N protectiveness to come out!!! And excited about the races chosen!!!


Yay!! Missed you! Lovely to see you back and so excited for the creek edge book!


Thank you! I missed all you guys too. Felt kinda isolating not getting to chat with everyone in so long!


Thank you so much for all your hard work Sera! I'm very excited Curse at Creek Edge will be a full fledged story of its own. And ooooh that Update+, can't wait for that overprotective drama lol I'm sure Book 2 will be well worth the wait <3


Welcome back! Man this weekly update was packed!! Super excited for EVERYTHING that’s upcoming - book 2, book 3, the VN.... boy, how do you have any time for sleep?! Seriously, thank you for all your hard work. You spoil us!


My gosh, Sera, do you ever slow down?? Good luck with NaNoRenO! And hopefully your internet will be cooperative soon!


Phoenix and Igigi made it to the top 5!!! yesssss!! :D Also welcome back Sera ^^ and lots of luck for NaNoRenO


My 2 favorites Phoenix and Igigi made the cut 😭❤


You said you were surprised by the results, who did you expect to be in the top 5?


Yay for N's overprotectiveness! And yay for the opportunity to defy that protectiveness like an ornery child XD Your work ethic is an inspiration, can't wait to see what you come up with in March!


Ah, I love N so much. Such a sweety. xD