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Tip tap. Tip tip tap. Tip tap.

A throbbing ache stiffens my fingers as I force them to push down the keys of my keyboard. Each one is as hard as pushing rock against stone.

“Ugh…” A long groan escapes me before I can catch it, my breath making the files on my desk waver and one piece of paper flutter to the floor. I stare down at it before another huff leaves me.

A knock at my door at least gives me a five second excuse not to pick it up. 

“Come in.”

I swing around to the doorway at the sound of footsteps behind me, my exhaustion burned away by the hazel eyes which meet mine.

“You look exhausted, szívem,” Elidor mutters with a worried frown beginning to set above his blue brows.

I lean back in my chair. “That’s because I am.”

“I brought you a meal, but I think a bed might have been more appropriate,” he says as he steps closer, a small brown box in one hand. A spicy aroma wafts from the container enough to draw my attention before shifting it back to Elidor.

I let out a chuckle. “I hope that’s a joke because, knowing you, I think you might actually carry one in here.”

“A large one,” he clarifies as he draws even closer. His floral aroma far overtakes the food scent as he approaches, engaging every sense until my mind is captured by him.

I lean forward to draw him even nearer. “Four poster?”

“Only the best for you, szívem,” he replies, sliding the box onto my desk and grabbing the arm of my chair to hunch over me until his sweet breath warms my skin.

I lick my lips with purpose as my gaze takes in every perfect angle of his face. “You can’t tempt me like this and not give me a taste.”

His full lips purse for a moment. “Of your meal?”

“That’s not exactly what I had in mind.” My fingers grasp the collar of his grey scrubs to yank him down.

Our lips meet with as much hunger as a man starved in the desert.

And with just as much heat.


Hope you enjoyed it! :D 

It was an AU scene idea given to me by my friend who likes to wonder if Elidor was a romance option, hehe.



My face when I realize that Elidor speaks Hungarian: priceless.


I decided to go back and read these scenarios because the book two ending left me wanting...but this was a mistake lol. Now I'm pining for a character who's not even an option! Oh, Elidor, how you've stolen my heart so!