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What a week!

So I was super excited to get into planning as I have a ton of ideas and thoughts, but I didn't expect it to be going so quickly already, hehe :D

The beginning chapters are pretty much sorted as a skeleton base. The opening scene is actually one I'd been planning since when Wayhaven was going to be a novel series, so I'm very eager to get planning on that in detail!

The chapters just before the end are also pretty much set in how I want them. One of the big catalysts for Book Three that I'd been planning for some time wasn't working for me, so I had a think about it and an idea popped up for me whilst I was in the shower yesterday, lol! So now I'm really happy with how that's going to go, though it's gonna need a lot of expansion as it's pretty intense and big.

Also a major character thing that I was unsure about is now decided in my mind and I'm going ahead with it, which has helped settle that in my mind as well.

So yeah, a great week of intense thought-processes, lots of scribbled notes, and the excitement of seeing a new book start to take shape! :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little moment from Book Two between the MC and M:

No one is awake at this hour, our muffled footsteps on the carpet the only sound around us.

Conversation is in short supply as thoughts weigh on my mind.

"You're quiet," ${mason} states. 

I scoff a laugh. "Not something that usually bothers you."


Hope you all have an incredible weekend! <3


(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Ah, the shower! The universal idea generator


Agreed, throw on some nice music in the shower as well, and boom, a concerto of ideas



Michael Reddy

Officially put in for my vacation at work for that for May 7th to the May 14th in anticipation for the book release


Ah, the shower. Where the best ideas are formed lol! It’s really exciting to see you getting started on Book 3 while we’re all “patiently” waiting for Book 2 lol


I came up with a brilliant idea in the bath the other night too. Apparently that really is the place for thinking, hehe :D Getting started on Book Three is helping ease my eagerness for Book Two to be out!!