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Hey everyone!

So this week went well again. Got a bunch of things sorted for the planning. I learned a lot of things from Book One and Two planning that I really want to do on Book Three that I think will help a lot towards the progress of how the writing goes.

It means a lot of heavy-lifting now in the planning process—more than I would normally do—but in the long run it will make a huge difference and less work during the actual writing phase.

There's one particular character I've also been planning since thinking of Book Three's story that was super set in my mind, but now I'm going back on forth on them. They will definitely be in there, just what supernatural race is a bit of a uncertainty for me. 

But I also wanted to say that I will be going on Christmas break and taking my long rest! Yay! :D

Want to let my head just relax (though no doubt I will be unable to stop thinking of ideas, lol!) before the really heavy planning begins in the New Year and it's really full steam ahead on Book Three.

I will be back on January 3rd, but will be on and off Patreon to keep up with rewards as much as possible, but won't be on other social media. Taking a break from the internet helps a lot!

But I've got a couple of asks scheduled on Tumblr during the week days to keep things active, and also the Christmas/Winter specials on Patreon as well as some special gifts at Christmas on there!


For Update+, I thought I'd share another little look at what is coming up this month for you patrons, but this time Felix:


'“Pfft,” he splutters, waving a dismissive hand before tucking it straight back into the warmth of his coat pocket. “I can deal with cold.”

I stare over him as his body shivers. “Uh huh.”'


I hope you all have the most wonderful Christmas time (or just general wonderful winter time if you don't celebrate it!)! <3

See you in the New Year! Woohoo! :D



I hope you enjoy your break! You deserve it!

Sue A.

Have an awesome break, you deserve it!

Silver Fair

have a fantastic, restuful break. You deserve it! Enjoy your time with family and friends &lt;3


You enjoy your break, Sera! You have a wonderful Christmas and birthday coming up! ❤️❤️

Dawn Dean (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:23:48 "So you don't want the cuddle I was about to swallow you up into?" Quickly walking just isn't warm enough next to such a sweetie &lt;3
2019-12-06 16:15:09 "So you don't want the cuddle I was about to swallow you up into?" Quickly walking just isn't warm enough next to such a sweetie <3

"So you don't want the cuddle I was about to swallow you up into?" Quickly walking just isn't warm enough next to such a sweetie <3