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“Mmm…” Rolling onto my back, I stretch myself out along the length of the comfortable sofa. I got a better night’s sleep on the couch than even in my own bed. Murky, cold dawn light tries to invade the living room, but the warmth of the Warehouse’s living room keeps it at bay as I wake up slowly.

After another long night working on the mission, I’d been persuaded—not a difficult task—to stay the night at the Warehouse instead of driving home so late.

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Snuggling under the plush duvet Nate had set me up with, I consider just going back to sleep. But the horribly early work morning is calling me…I shudder.

Reluctantly shoving the duvet off, I yawn and gradually bring myself to a stand. 

After folding up the bedding and leaving it in a neat pile at the end of the sofa, I gather up my things and begin to make my way out of the Warehouse as quietly as possible.


Swinging open the metal doors, my body tenses with a sudden clash of emotions at what I see before me.

A perfect carpet of glistening white snow blankets every inch before me. It glitters in the dawn light, winking at me and tempting out a few steps further.

Excitement and the beauty of the scene almost has me smiling, but the realisation I’m going to have to dig my poor car out of it stems the enthusiasm.

Suddenly, the makeshift bed is very appealing once again.

After huffing out a breath, I brace myself and wrap my coat further around me so as I can trudge out into the snow. It piles over the tops of my boots and instantly has me shivering.

But I push on.

And on.

Until I pause as a shadow forms in front of me. “…Ava?”

Her pale green eyes widen in genuine surprise, and I think it’s one of the rare times she hasn’t heard my approach.

“[Name]—uh, I mean, Detective.” She clears her throat and tugs her coat tidily down. “What are you doing out here at this hour?”

“I said I’d meet Rebecca, remember?”

She blinks and then nods. “Ah, of course. Yes.” 

I glance over the area, her footprints having left a heavy trail through the snow behind her. But there had been none leaving the Warehouse.

“What are you doing out here?” I ask.

“I, well…” Her gaze flashes about the area. “I was getting wood for the fire. A much-needed thing on a day such as today, don’t you think?”

I glance down at her arms bare of any wood. “Uh huh.”

A moment of silence begins to simmer between us. A heat stoked through our glance that I think might begin to melt the snow.

“Well, I will leave you.” She gives a stiff farewell nod and strides past me with quick paces, as though the mounds of snow hold no barrier at all.

I glance over my shoulder at her as she storms away. “Okay, bye…”

The strangeness of the moment holds me in position for a moment longer before the bitter wind has me shuddering, so I once again begin my trail towards my car and the task ahead.

A few paces further, and the task doesn’t seem so much of a chore.

Or more accurately, no chore at all.

The snow has been entirely cleared away, leaving my car free and uncovered, a trail leading away from the Warehouse into the less blanketed forest also cleared.

I smile.

Gratitude warms me so thoroughly that I almost forget the snow now turned to icy water that soaks my toes.

Turning back to the Warehouse, I whisper a quiet “Thank you”.

But Ava is too far away for me to see the way she pauses as she hears my words…or the smile which lifts her lips.




Ava is such a sweetheart deep down! Don't worry, we won't tell F :D


Aww, Sera this is so amazing! The art work too, look at those dimples! I love Ava's slow burn. Everyones waiting for their LI kiss scene (or Ms more advanced scene lol) and I'm over here waiting to be able to hug Ava with out immediately being yeeted away.




Avaaaaaaaaa!!! 😭💕💕