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"It’s not going to do it,” I say, staring out of the Warehouse’s living room window so closely my breath fogs up the glass as I speak.

Farah’s nose is almost squished up against the pane because she’s even that much closer than me. “Sure it is. I can smell it.”

I cock my head. “You can smell snow?”

“Well, no.” She raises a finger. “But it’s more like a feeling, you know?”

I chuckle. “Sure.”

“What are you two doing now?” Morgan grunts from behind us. 

We both turn around on the window seat to watch as Morgan and Nate shuffle inside with handfuls of chopped logs in their arms. Morgan throws her haul down in a mess by the fireplace, while Nate gives a small sigh and sets about piling them up in a neat order.

“We’re waiting for the snow,” Farah informs them, slouching back on the seat and leaning against the window. “It’s gonna happen.”

Morgan glances to the dusky tree-walled horizon behind us. “Sure.”

“Why does everyone keep doubting me?” Farah pouts.

“Because you’ve said there is going to be snow every day for at least the past two weeks,” Adam says as he enters the room, not even looking up from the folder grasped in his hands.

“I like to play the odds,” Farah replies, throwing me a grin.

Another laugh escapes me. “Seeing as there is no snow, I better head back.” I push myself up from the seat and give a stretch.

“Are you sure?” Nate asks, looking over to me from where’s he’s crouched at the fireplace. “It’s going to be toasty warm soon enough.”

“And then I really won’t want to leave,” I reply with a smile.

“That was the master plan.” Farah grips my sleeve and tugs me back down onto the cushion-covered seat. “Stay a bit longer. When it snows, Adam will happily dig your car out of the mounds of it for you.”

Adam arches a brow before letting out a groaned breath.

Farah holds out a hand towards him. “See? That’s basically a ‘yes’ in his language.”

Morgan scoffs a laugh at that.

My shoulders sag in resignation. “Fine. I guess I could stay a little longer.”

“Aah, see! Where would you be without a daily dose of us?” Farah replies as she shifts closer to throw an arm around my shoulders and give me a friendly squeeze.

“You really want me to answer that?” I ask with a joking smile.

Her eyes glimmer. “Only if the answer is gonna make us all very happy.”

“I know a way they could make me really happy—”

Morgan’s comment is cut off by the whoosh! of the fire erupting to life, as well as Nate’s burning glare in her direction.

The group of us shift closer, Farah and I exchanging the window seat for the weathered sofa in front of the fireplace. 

The warmth of it envelops the entire area, all of us settling down to watch the flickering vibrant orange and scarlet flames. A gentle hush falls over the room, and I find my gaze sliding over everyone in turn.

As we sit in quiet comfort with each other, everyone at ease and the familiarity between us all warming the room with even more strength than the fire, a happiness stokes inside of me to have found this eclectic but amazing group.

This amazing team.

This amazing family.

Outside of the window, the first silent glittering flakes of snow begin to fall and sparkle.



Crystal McKinney

Thank you for the present! Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Such a lovely scene. Thank you and Merry Christmas!