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"Great…" I let out a long groan as I rub a hand over the back of my neck. "As if this whole thing couldn't get any worse."

"You shouldn't say that. Things always get worse when anyone says that," ${felix} comments with a half-grin.

"So now what?" ${mason} grunts. 

"Now we need to fix this," Rebecca states.

$!{nate} nods, worry still tugging at ${n_his} features and dulling the usual shine to ${n_his} eyes. "We will."

"Your full focus will need to be on this. Your usual patrols will be handed over to another team in the meantime."

${adam}'s green eyes slide to Rebecca. "Which team?"

Rebecca shifts on the spot in a rare, uneasy motion. "The Agency have told me to bring in The Dogs."

$!{adam} almost topples over with how forcefully ${a_she} rolls ${a_his} eyes while letting out a growl. "We don't need their help."

"The Agency disagrees—as do I." Rebecca stares ${a_him} down. "The Dogs will take over your patrol and responsibility for this town so that your sole focus can be on the mission ahead. Getting Sanja back is a priority." She softens a little. "And they'll leave after this has been cleared up, so let that be motivation for you."

$!{adam} grits ${a_his} teeth.

"The Dogs?" I ask when the conversation lulls.

$!{felix}'s eyes sparkle as ${f_she} grins at me. "Unit Alpha."


Merry Christmas! 

Here is my gift to you guys to say a MASSIVE thank you for all your support, positivity, and incredibleness.

Thank you <3 

I truly hope you are all having a magical festive season!

If you don't celebrate Christmas, then I hope you are having a fabulous December!! :)



Unit Alpha is called "The Dogs" huh? Gee. I wonder... what kind... of supernaturals they are...? Clearly they must be Angels. lol Merry Christmas, Sera, and Happy New Year!


The dogs. Hehe. I can't wait to meet them!