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“So…” Farah starts, staring down at the perfectly crisp blanket of glittering snow that spreads out in a white wave all around us. “What do we do?”

“You sure you want to do this?” I ask, stamping my boots on the doorway to get rid of some of the snow before heading outside of the Warehouse to stand beside her. “It’s going to get cold.”

“Pfft,” she splutters, waving a dismissive hand before tucking it straight back into the warmth of her coat pocket. “I can deal with cold.”

I stare over her as her body shivers. “Uh huh.”

She rolls her eyes, takes a step closer towards me and tucks her hand into the crook of my elbow to drag me further outside. The chill air wallops my chest, and I shudder a breath as I try to adjust.

“I’ve met angels, you know,” she says, staring at the blanket of white again with a brow raised before looking back at me. “How are we going to make one out of this?”

My brow arches. “You’ve met an angel? An actual angel?”

“Sure. A few, actually.” She shrugs. “And let me tell you, they don’t really seem the type to go frolicking about in the snow. Not that they’re not fun, just…in their own way.”

I chuckle, warmed by Farah’s remaining touch on my arm. “You’ll have to introduce me some time.”

“Fine, fine.” She steps forward, her hand slipping out of my arm to gesture at the carpeted ground. “So, where do we start?”

“Well,” I say, tugging my coat further about me, “you start by falling into the snow—”


“…Generally not face first, but that works too.” I stare down at her as she’s spread-eagled into the snow.

She rolls onto her back with a grin making her eyes glimmer and the dusting of snow on her long lashes making them sparkle. “Oh man, I love snow.” Her teeth begin to chatter. “Now what?”

I fall backwards down beside her, thankful the fresh snowfall is like a pillow against my impact. “Just wave your arms and legs about like this.” I begin to spread my arms and legs out and then in, pushing the snow to the side.

She observes me for a few seconds before beginning the motions herself. 

When the cold is seeping up my spine and threatening to bite through my clothing, I stand up. “Now let’s have a look.”

Farah bounces up to stand beside me, and we both stare down at our handiwork.

“Pretty impressive,” she remarks with another smile. “I get the angel thing now.”

I give a laugh. “Doubt it compares to the real thing.”

“Not even close, but I prefer these anyway,” she replies with a chuckle. “And now back inside.” Her hand slips into mine and tugs.

I pull against it in confusion. “Already?”

“Yeah.” Her head cocks to one side, mischief making her amber eyes gleam. “If I don’t get to kiss every snowflake off your gorgeous face and body, then what was the point in all of this?” She then throws me a wink that burns away any remnants of cold.




*splats face first into the snow* yup that sounds like Farah


F is too good for this world 😭💕