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A sneak peek into some dialogue in Book Two, but who do you think says it...?

Have fun :D Answer will be posted later today!


Anastasia Bale

I'm torn between N or A....it sounds polite and charming enough for N, but also proper enough for a rare glimpse into A!


I'm gonna say it's M... Sounds really eager and excited...definitely M 😂


Nate? Sounds too polite and proper for Mason.....though it could be sarcastic Adam😂😂

Silver Fair

I hope it's N, but I'm afraid is Bobby being creepy O.o


Oh this is hard... hmmm... I kind of want to go with M? I can’t see A saying this and it doesn’t really feel like F. Could also be N. (Or Bobby but ew) I’m goin with M tho




I'm gonna go with N, it does seem like something M might say but the way it's said seems too proper for them. They'd say it like 'wake me up anytime *smirk*', the proper way it's spoken seems right up N's alley. Not to mention they can be way more PG-18 then initially expected lol


Definitely N. Only he is that eloquent with words.

Logan Sullivan

I'm thinkin' either N or F. I love these things, but they also make me chomp at the bit even more for book 2 lol

Katherine Riemer

While the context definitely sounds like M I think the way it was worded sounds more like N.

Samantha Watts

Phrasing sounds like N to me!

Michael Reddy

I saw this when I was barely awake this morning and for some dumb reason I thought it said “I quite like the idea of tea waking me up in the middle of the night” thought that’s a weird line and put my phone down ... just looked at it now and clearly I couldn’t have been more wrong lol