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So this month I thought I'd share a VERY old scene idea I had. I wrote this when I was about 17, so please excuse the quality, hehe :D But I thought it would be interesting for you guys to see how much things have developed!

I've posted it unedited and in its original form. This was in the good old days when Adam was still Bane, and Felix had that short stint as Alex, lol!


“Ugh!” Lauren quickly turned away with a grimace. “Don’t you guys clean up?” She moved away from the scene of empty blood bags still stained red lying discarded in the sink. 

“What?” Mason asked sounding truly confused. He moved toward Lauren and she stepped away from him, an instinctive move she couldn’t stop. Even after all the time she’d been around him, she wasn’t sure she trusted him. “At least I know where all the blood went.” He muttered more to himself. Lauren watched as the vampire frowned. 

“What’s wrong?” Curiosity was one of Lauren’s less attractive traits, along with her habit to eavesdrop. Though, she thought, the two usually went hand in hand. 

The blood dripped slowly from the bag like petals from a rose as Mason lifted it up to eye level. She wrinkled her nose and looked away again. 

“It’s too thick.” He observed. She dared a glance back to watch him catch a thick blob on his finger. 

“Oh.” Lauren leant against the sturdy wooden table as her head became light. The consistency of blood wasn’t exactly her favourite topic of conversation. She’d barely made it through her blood splatter analysis seminar without fainting every five minutes. 

Mason touched the droplet with the tip of his tongue and quickly jerked his head back as though it had burnt him. He threw down the bag with just as much of a strong motion. “Where are the others?” His words were rushed and it put Lauren slightly on edge. “Did they all drink this?”

“I don’t know.” Lauren always tried to arrive after they’d…eaten, it wasn’t the most appealing breakfast and usually put her off her own. “I’m sure they’re around here somewhere.”

“I bet.” Mason replied, eyeing the room suspiciously. Lauren raised an eyebrow at his sudden odd behaviour. 

“I’m just going to start on work.” She gave a quick smile at Mason and quickly exited the room.

Lauren was half way down the hall before her path was blocked. 

“Nate!” She almost shrieked his name in shock. “Mason was looking for you guys.” She peered around him expecting to see the others but they weren’t around. A strange heavy silence fell between them and Lauren shifted her feet. “I was just going to start work.” She made to move past him when he suddenly put his hand against the wall blocking her way. “What are you-“ Her words were cut off as Nate put his other hand the other side effectively caging her in. 

Lauren tried to keep her heart in her chest but it was hard when it wanted to burst out. In Nate’s silence her breathing sounded heavy and she tried to calm herself. 

“You smell so inviting.” His fingers wrapped around a curl of her hair and he ran it across his lips. Something was wrong. This certainly wasn’t Nate. It was the Nate she would have liked as he smiled seductively at her, but it wasn’t the Nate she knew he was. The Nate she knew was far too gentlemanly to be making quite so many suggestive hints with the way he looked at her. 

“What’s wrong with you?” She pushed him away forcefully. Or at least she tried but he didn’t budge. 

“What’s the matter, Lauren?” His hushed voice was followed by the warmth of his breath over her skin as he neared her face. His skin lightly brushed hers as he leaned to her ear. “Isn’t this what you want?” The left hand that caged her in dropped and he trailed a finger over her collar bone. “Aren’t you always so disappointed when I just won’t go all the way?” The intimate touch made her shiver and he smiled thinly showing a glint of sharp canines. 

Lauren tried to push herself further back against the wall as she saw the hint of dangerous knife sharp fangs. But the gentle finger that had made her shiver now turned harsh and his hand gripped her throat. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He whispered into her ear and forced her head to the side. 

As Lauren clawed at the hand choking her and kicked out Nate seemed un-phased. His head slowly moved to her neck and finally Lauren screamed. No sooner had she opened her mouth than a flash of movement hit Nate’s side causing him to smash into the wall opposite. Lauren fell heavily to the floor. She reached a hand to her neck which was untouched thanks to her saviour. Though the hand that was offered to her was not attached to who she’d expected. 

“Mason.” She said a little confused. 

“We have to get you out of here.” He said and didn’t wait for her to help herself up. Instead he bent down and pulled her to her feet forcefully. “Come on.” He pulled her away before Nate had a chance to get to his feet. 

“What the hell was that?!” Lauren shouted as they sprinted down the hallway. 

“The blood was poisoned.” Mason informed her.

“Poisoned?” Lauren glanced over her shoulder worried for Nate. 

“They’ll live, but you might not.” Mason obviously wasn’t one to sugar coat things. “I’ve seen this before. An additive added to blood that increases the,” He seemed to pause to find the correct words. “Vampire side.”

“Increases the vampire side?” Lauren was completely confused and she tried to pull against his grip. Finally Mason stopped and faced her directly. 

“A long time ago, they found a way to increase a vampire’s nature, their senses and skills are sharpened and the need for blood is almost overwhelming. It’s as though you can smell it from a mile away.” He looked down his nose at her. “And yours must smell like a steak after starvation to them.” Lauren raised an eyebrow at his eloquent way of describing the situation. “It was such a long time ago though. Why is it here?” He frowned deeply but Lauren stood silent unable to answer the question. “I don’t know who’s drunk the blood, there were a lot of empty bags.” He said as he snapped out of his own thoughts. Lauren tensed visibly. “Come on.” He gestured for her to follow which she obligingly did. She didn’t stop to ask why he was helping, she was just grateful he was.


(An hour later...)

“Come on now, Mason.” Alex said trying to reason with him. She was truly only just realising how dangerous vampires were and the only thing keeping her alive was one of them. “You never liked her. You don’t even want her around.” Lauren knew Mason wasn’t a fan but it didn’t stop it stinging a little to hear it. “Now’s your chance to get rid of her. The others wouldn’t blame you. We’ll say you did everything you could.” Alex grinned showing all of his teeth and making his eyes glint dangerously. What was worse was that his speech seemed to be working. Mason’s protective posture had relaxed and he stared at Alex. 

“Mason?” Lauren’s voice cracked a little. 

“Too bad for you.” Alex said as he yanked Lauren towards him.

 Alex’s smug face quickly faded as Mason’s fist connected with it. There was a loud cracking sound and Alex stumbled back awkwardly. Lauren took a deep breath as she realised she hadn’t actually been breathing. 

Alex regained his balance and looked unbelievingly at Mason. “You would risk your life for hers?” It was what Lauren had been thinking but wasn’t going to dare to ask. 

“Run, Lauren.” Mason ordered yet Lauren couldn’t move. “I said go!” He shouted louder and Lauren flinched. It was shameful to admit but Lauren almost did leave him alone. That was until the door creaked open and Bane and Nate entered the room. 

“I guess your luck just ran out.” Alex rubbed his jaw where Mason had hit it. Mason looked unsure but moved to stand in front of Lauren silently. She almost cried, just a few hours ago she was scared to be in the same room as him and now he was about to die defending her. ‘Never judge a book by its cover’, a motto never more suited than at this moment. Lauren rested a hand on his shoulder and he almost pulled away from her touch. 

“You don’t have to do this.” Lauren reminded him. 

“Shut up.” Mason shook his head. “Just get out of here.” Lauren did leave this time. As she ran down the hallway she could hear the sound of wood splintering and walls cracking. It made Lauren’s chest constrict so much she could hardly breathe. 


This scene idea was actually going to start a whole book in the series- Book 4, in fact-but I put it aside in favour of others.

And for anyone wondering, this isn't the source or reason for M's extreme senses ;D

Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek into Wayhaven's long development (and the obvious growth/change to some of the characters. N's all about the smooth talking now, hehe) :)



Oh man wow- such a shame thia got sidelined, Id loved to have seen a whole book where the enemy/danger is UB, but im grateful for the snippet as it is- damn


Oh my GOD, I did NOT realize how much I needed some Dark Nate!! (⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝) Oh, I kind of wanna see my man lose control... ヾ(*’O’*)/