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Bit of a slower week this week, which was actually really nice :D

I did two major things this week: started early planning on Book Three, and got 85% of the Echolian language sorted!

I really want Echolian to come up more during the series (with the MC, especially those with language proficiency, getting to possibly learn a little), so having that sorted means I can finally add that into plans for future moments—with F's route featuring that more for obvious reasons!

And the planning for Book Three has gone smoothly so far! I plotted out a very general, skeleton ideas for a few of the first chapters that I'm super happy with. For Book Three, I'm able to jump into the story much quicker as there isn't as much catch up from the introduction of Book One like I had to do for Book Two (wow, I hope that sentence makes sense, lol!).

I'm very excited about Book Three's storyline, along with the progression of the romances...

There's a couple of characters I have been so excited about introducing and I'm chomping at the bit to get writing on them in Book Three, hehe! :D

So yeah, a great week with a couple of major things begun!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd go a little different and show a behind-the-scenes snapshot of my early stage planning process (censored for spoiler reasons, of course, ;D):

I usually do a TON of mind-maps throughout the process as I find they help me visualise things better than a list at times. But many, many lists are also used, along with piles of notes, lol! I'm a messy planner :D

It was so weird not using pink in my planning this time, hehe! As you might be able to see, the title colours for Book Three will change things up a little and be black and gold...

Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! :)


(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 


Sue A.

Excited to hear that Echolian will be coming up more, and that we might get to learn a bit of it! :D Also black and gold is my absolute favorite color combo, wonder what the switch up's all about...


Super excited to learn some Echolian!!!!!! Can't wait to see how it's structured and what kinds of sounds it uses 👀

Dawn Dean

oh I *love* this idea of mind-maps! 😲 I'll try that. So much more helpful for visual!! I'm pretty excited to learn some Echolian, but also yay for behind-the-scenes concepts


Ah, redaction strikes again! Really cool to see how you plan things out!


Echolian coming up a lot in F’s route 👀 I can’t wait!


This is so interesting. I love seeing how people plan their writing, particularly for things as big and branching as this. I hope we'll see/hear more in the future. You're really inspiring.

Silver Fair (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:24:57 Because you write about branches... am I allowed to ask how many new branches we'll get in book 2? I know the major one for book 1 was Douglas VS Bobby (and I guess test the blood or not... although we have not seen much consequence with that yet. Any other for book one?) :) Love how motivated you are <3
2019-11-15 15:11:21 Because you write about branches... am I allowed to ask how many new branches we'll get in book 2? I know the major one for book 1 was Douglas VS Bobby (and I guess test the blood or not... although we have not seen much consequence with that yet. Any other for book one?) :) Love how motivated you are <3

Because you write about branches... am I allowed to ask how many new branches we'll get in book 2? I know the major one for book 1 was Douglas VS Bobby (and I guess test the blood or not... although we have not seen much consequence with that yet. Any other for book one?) :) Love how motivated you are <3


I can't wait for you guys to see that too! I worked hard on giving it a particular sound, so hope that comes across!


Aah, thank you! So glad you're enjoying the peek into that. It's the first time I've been able to share a bit more of the planning stages.


There are definitely more in Book Two, though I won't get specific ;D Some major ones too. And the blood test may just get a look in in Book Two...


I am already getting excited for book 3 and we don't even have book 2 yet! especially looking forward to the opportunity to learn some Echolian :D