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Seeing as we're in party mode this month, I thought I would continue that with a fun quiz!

So let's find out: Which Side Character Would You Be?

(If you tie for answers with more than one, then just pick your fave, hehe ;D)

Have fun! Can't wait to see your answers!!


Q. Which food appeals to you most?

a. Whatever’s in the fridge.

b. Restaurant meals.

c. Desserts.

d. Junk food.

e. Salad.

Q. How do you view romance?

a. Real life is better.

b. What’s that?

c. It makes the world go round!

d. No point unless it’s for the right person.

e. Never think about it.

Q. What’s your work ethic?

a. Ethic? More just enjoyment.

b. Depends on the motivation.

c. 50/50.

d. A what?

e. Work is life.

Q. Where would you most like to spend your vacation?

a. Wherever as long as it’s with those I love.

b. The Big City.

c. The beach.

d. At a friend’s place.

e. I don’t do vacations.

Q. Which of these was your favourite school subject?

a. Sciences.

b. Media.

c. P.E.

d. None.

e. English lit.

Q. Which of these animals do you think you would be?

a. Rat.

b. Eel.

c. Rabbit.

d. Sloth.

e. Owl.

Q. How tidy are you?

a. Organised.

b. It’s a unique system. 

c. Not at all.

d. Isn’t that what cleaners are for?

e. Immaculate.

Q. Which of these types of music do you prefer?

a. Jazz.

b. Instrumental.

c. Soft rock.

d. Pop.

e. Silence.


Q. Which season is your favourite?

a. Autumn.

b. Winter.

c. Spring.

d. Summer.

e. Barely notice the seasons.



I tied with Verda and Bobby and never clicked A so fast in my life. oO


If it wasn’t for their greasy personality, Bobby and I might get along quite well. I matched Bobby for 7 out of the 9 questions... I wonder what that says about me.... :/


Apparently I'm an even split between Tina and Rebecca lol.

The Inecksplicable

Tina all the way!!! What a blessing she is 😋


an even split between bobby and douglas..... idk how to feel about this


i think the clear preference here is douglas at least he's not a slimey ex hahah


It's funny but i have a tie between Bobby and Rebecca... It's strange mixture...

sasa se

I got Rebecca and Tina tied- now that is strange


My favorite subjects was math, so if that goes to scinces then I'm most like Verda. Nice!