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I found out how to make this a poll! Yay! :D



I can ignore Bobby for an hour somewhere (not my house they don't get to snoop) but Murphy is dangerous and needs constant attention


As annoying as Bobby is, at least they have the decency to draw the line at assault and murder. It'll be a long hour for my MCs, but they can endure.


My reaction towards Bobby: Uh somebody get me out of here. I DO NOT want to even see them. Towards Murphy: OK he was weird but what are u talking about he already caught me by the end of the book, sooooo I guess I can handle Murphy...?


Imagine the detective getting stuck in a elevator with Bobby. The UB is trying to think of how to get them out, Fs suggesting james bond ideas. After the first 5 mins they can already yelling. 😂


Bobby's an asshole, but as far as I know, he's never kidnapped or tortured the detective :P besides, a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and he'd be almost tolerable


Oh Bobby for sure. They might be a smug jerk BUT THEY AREN'T A MURDERER!!


Is it bad that my science-minded detective would genuinely like to spend time with Murphy to pick his brain (metaphorically, of course)? I mean, he's repulsive and a monster, but Emma would actually like to have a nice, long, semi-cordial chat with him.

Dawn Dean

oh tough one, really. Hmm. I imagine the investigator & super-intrigued about history/people MC of mine would have to go with Murphy. So long as he's restrained! She really has little patience for Bobby!!


I will spend time with Bobby and ignore her the entire time

Twilight Katana

As much as I HATE being around Bobby, at least he's not trying to kill me.

Dana Kleinjan

Bobby while annoying, isn't (actively) tying to kill me


As weird as it sounds. If he wasnt trying to kill me, as a scientific mind I would love to view his research. .maybe I'm just a weirdo lol