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A busy week of catching up this week! But I think I'm finally starting to get on top of things. Hopefully by next week I really will be on top of it all again.

But also this week was the save game import testing, which ended up being a bit of fun :D I had to go through Book One to make sure I had save games, and going through that was a treat!

Then I sent it off to the amazing testers who were kind enough to help out that extra bit more than the beta, and it seems their save games imported perfectly too! Yay!!

So that's a huge weight off my mind. Gonna do a little bit of shifting on a couple of stats but then send the final scene files off to Hosted Games!

Which means next week I will be starting the first very early planning stages of Book Three! Pretty excited about that. My brain is already bursting with ideas :D The story is already known, but all the fun bits are still to be worked out, as well as the flow and things. 

So yeah, a great week and still some catching up to do, but very exciting!!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little Rebecca moment:

I slip the [redacted] and DMB away, shifting my jacket back in place after I'm done, then glance over to find Rebecca staring over me with saddened eyes.

"What is it?"

She shakes her head, brushing back a curl of loose hair behind her ear. "For a moment there, you reminded me of [redacted father's name]."


Redacted strikes again, hehe! But hopefully not too long until redacted can take a back seat :D

Hope you're all doing well! :)



Ugh! Every mention of [redacted father’s name] makes my heart hurt!! Why do you make me feel these things?


You can’t taunt us with book 3 before we have 2! So evil! Bad you!


Quite looking forward to everything

Michael Reddy

I really hope the date on the hosted games upcoming list is wrong 😭 it’ll be a slow 6 months ...


I know, right? Lol! But hopefully that means Book Three will be even closer by the time Book Two is out!


Awww, Mom. I don't know if I'm ready for all the Dad-related feels 😢


Just finished book 2 and now ready to start book 3 😆😆 Man I need some of your work energy!

Dana Kleinjan

poor Rebecca :( I am excited to learn more about dear old dad, especially since I imagine that my main OC for this game looks and acts a lot like him (even if I don't know what he is like quite yet lol)

Silver Fair

Incredible you're thinking of book 3... while we're all anxiously waiting for book 2. You're an incredibly hard worker!


Skidaddle skedacted your friends are now [redacted]


I'm hoping to use the time between books to greatest use. Hopefully it means the wait between Two and Three won't be as long :D