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 Writing Prompts 

- The smell of chocolate

- A fallen tree

- The taste of smoke



It’s such a vibrant, rich time of year considering everything is dying.

Mason blows out a ring of smoke, tasting the lingering bitterness of it on his tongue. The puff curls into the air, framing a crippled leaf hanging painfully from an outstretched branch, like a finger clinging to it.

The leaf falls.

“What are you doing out here?” 

Mason turns to look over his shoulder before settling back down on the fallen tree branch he’s using as a bench. “Watching.”

The Detective shuffles forward, their feet crunching over the carpet of other discarded leaves, and comes to settle on the seat beside him.

His gaze shifts in their direction without meaning too. The warm scent of them is comforting for a moment, until a strong sweetness invades his senses.

He grimaces. “Hot chocolate? Really?”

“Hey,” the Detective says in defense, raising the offending mug of milky chocolate. “It’s autumn. It’s traditional.”

“Tradition. Ugh…” Mason groans.

“Is there anything that makes you happy?” they ask with a sigh. 

Mason watches as the Detective wraps their chill fingers around the mug and enjoys the warmth seeping out of it. Then he very much begins to wish they’d wrap their hands around something of his instead…

The thought leads him to his answer. 

He gives a long smirk—

“Nope.” They hold up a straight finger in protest. “You’re not allowed to say anything that Nat would reprimand you for.”

Mason arches a brow. “That’s pretty much everything that comes out of my mouth.”

“Then you’ll just have to think harder,” the Detective replies with a smile.

He stares out over the sepia-toned clearing. Sucking in a long breath, the earthy scent of autumn fills his lungs, and the chill but fresh taste clears the bitter smoke from his lips.

“Being here,” he says finally. His grey eyes shift once more to find the Detective’s. “Being here with you.”

Their smile beams brighter before they hide it behind their mug. “Jeez, you are sentimental.”

A deep chuckle escapes him. “You bring out the worst in me.”

They place a hand on his, the touch soft and unexpected but certainly not unwelcome. “I never said it was a bad thing.”

And Mason’s smirk softens into a smile as the Detective sips on their hot chocolate, and he continues to enjoy the intense joy a quiet place and a welcome presence can bring.




Yep, that's it. My detective and Mason are moving to a quiet hut in the middle of the Alps.

Dawn Dean

so good to see M's sweet side peeking out


Aww. Aaaaaawww! That was so sweet! :3 I cannot wait to see that romance develop further, it will be such a wonderful journey! :D

Silver Fair

Love a bit of romantic Mason. Cannot wait when he's both a pervert and a romantic ahah <3


This is my favorite part of my Thursday! Oh my gosh I loved seeing how M acts when they're feeling soft. I'm so excited to see more in the future books!


Ahh I love me some M love! He's so dirty and crusty on the outside and warm and soft on the inside. Like a nice warm bread...with some dust on it? Okay. That analogy fell a bit flat. You get my point though!!


Well, of course the hut will have a really good central heating 🤣


This is... So cute... 😭💕 M softness is the best softness


This is so sweet 💖💖 this romance is gonna be the death of me


What a sap i love him so <3 romances where one partner makes an exception for the other is my weakness lol


I'm sick this morning and this made me feel slightly better. I love it. 💜




Book two cannot get here fast enough lol, this sweet, sweet man needs love.