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Super busy week this week :D

As some of you may have seen from my earlier post, I had a massive influx of emails for beta testing! It was incredible and so touching to know how many people want to help make Book Two be the best it can be!

Beta testers have now been chosen, and I have sent emails to those who have been accepted. I will also been sending mails to those who didn't, just to let you guys know and give my absolute appreciation!

First week of beta testing will start tomorrow!! 

I'm still on schedule, so things are going incredibly smoothly, if very busy.

Really hoping things stay on course for the rest of the month, hehe :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a choice scene...


#Hide and wait until they've gone!

 "Shit…" I mutter, swinging around on the spot to hurdle over my bed and crouch down on the other side.

There's a chorus of deep laughter. 

"You run, human?"

They can laugh all they want, but I know when I'm outmatched, and I'm not eager to end up like [redacted] today.

A thud of footsteps from the [redacted] breaks through their mocking.


'Redacted' rears its head again, hehe :D Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek though!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'll talk to you on Monday :)



So happy everything is going smoothly! Also aaa that update+ scene, I'm scared for my mcs, specially for the ones that I know they like to stand up and fight lol


[Redacted], my oldest enemy. We meet again. Our battle shall be legendary. You will never plague my nightmares again.


Redacted is my new favorite character lol ;) I'm glad things are going so well, I hope the beta does too! <3


There are no words in the English language with which I can convey to you how excited I am for this game! This has been the thing I've been most excited for all year <3 I'm use to games I'm waiting for never coming to fruition but your work ethic is so quick and admirable! Don't worry if you ever need to take break those, I will never falter in my faith in you <3


Ah, yes, everyone's favorite character [redacted]. I love it when they [redacted] with [redacted] which lead to [redacted]. That was peak drama right there


Oh yeah! My favourite part was when [redacted] totally did [redacted]. That was just [redacted]! ;D


Skidaddle skidacted your friends are now [redacted]


Not to mention when [redacted] [redacted]! I did not see that coming!


Ive become a fan of your fanship. I tend to look for your comments cause I know I'm going to like it or laugh at it. Not disappointed. 😂