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You guys are probably a bit worn out with updates after this week :D I have a difficult time containing my enthusiasm!

But as some of you may have seen yesterday, the base writing for Book Two is now complete!

There is a lot to do still with editing, testing, etc, but this was the biggest task that needed accomplishing. I'm actually hoping things will progress a bit quicker now that's done! Once the ball gets rolling on this end stuff it'll just keep picking up speed.

Today I will be editing Chapter 19, and over the weekend I will be beginning more edits as well as starting more intensive playthroughs. Book Two has a lot of branching and variation, so catching all of the different variables is gonna be quite the task!

I also want to put a big shout out to @spunkycatninja this week, who is not only doing edits but is also just a constant and incredible source of support throughout this whole journey. When I started this, I didn't think I would end up with an incredible friend (and friends, who I also met through beta-testing last time!) who is funny, warm, amazingly caring, and always there when I need her. Thank you <3

So it's been a bit of an emotional week (in a good way!), as you might be able to tell, hehe :D But such an amazing week! I've been so grateful for all of your excitement and enthusiasm, and it made finishing that task even more wonderful!!

And before I get too sappy, I will wish you all an amazing weekend! Talk to you on Monday <3 :)


For Update+ this week, I have something for all you bold N-mancers out there:

$!{nate} barks out a laugh that has a few passerbys looking our way. "Ah, you certainly have a way with words."

"Wait until you see what else I have a way with," I reply with a wink.

$!{n_she} chuckles, the sound huskier this time.


Hehe! ;D

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Ahh I'm so happy for you Sera, you're such a hard worker &lt;3 and I'm glad you have good people at your back who support you. I'm excited I can support your work and watch your progress and growth. You're really inspiring to me!


There is not such thing as "worn out from too many updates". I think we are all incredibly exited and glad that you are updating us so much with this!! You know, to keep the hype train going at full speed 🤣


Ahh!! You’ve really been spoiling us with all these amazing updates these last few days! Congrats and thanks, as always, for all your hard work!

Silver Fair

Thank you for also working at the weekends! Don't overdo it and know we love you IMMENSELY! Cannot wait to be able to break my heart with the LT :D

Afroditi Nikou

Worn out from the updates?? I was thinking we need more! Have a wonderful weekend!


I don’t think we’ll ever be worn out with updates, especially with news as good as this!! 💕 Good luck with all the editing!!


Two wonderful nat post back to back, I feel spoiled. &lt;3 good luck with the editing, I hope it all goes smoothly for you!


there is no such thing as too many updates! it shows just how much you love your work and want to share it with us! good luck with the editing and playtesting &lt;3

Michael Reddy

Quick question ... does this game go to choice of or hosted ? Is there a difference ?


It's under Hosted Games. The Choice games are ones the company themselves commission others to write.


It goes to Hosted Games. The difference is that Hosted Games can be written by anyone, and Choice of Games are written by those hired by Choice of Games. Hope that helps :)