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Coming in at over 750,000 words, the base writing for Book Two is now COMPLETE!!

I am beyond ecstatic and excited! Also very exhausted, lol!

There is still A LOT to be done: editing, rewriting, testing, etc. But this was the biggest task, and it's now finished! WOOHOO!!! 

(Sorry for the flood of mini updates, I was just very excited, hehe :D)



Lourdes Ramos

Big yay! Congratulations!! Like others have said you should definitely take a break and celebrate a little!

John Hayden

Woooooooooo! In for testing? 😇😇


Congrats! Soso proud of your dedication to this project and your fans, your passion really shows and I'm sure this book is going to be amazing! I can gladly say I'm looking forward to the next 6 years because I can at least look forward to always have your books by my side. (and ofc be part of this amazing journey!)

Natasha Foster

Congratulations! Your dedication to this project is inspiring, and seeing all of these wonderful peoples' comments has helped me to remember why I've always loved writing. I've been in a bit of a funk for the last few years and you, as well as all of your other fans, have helped me overcome it. So, thank you all. ❤

Tweedle Dee

You deserve all the praise! Congrats on finishing book 2! My sister and I are making sure we survive until this series is finished.


That is amazing news! You are probably my favourite author at the moment.

Michael Doppel

Now I normally don’t “hurrah” but this.....this calls for a f$&king HURRAH!!!!


HYPE!!! I know its still ages away (especially given the CoG schedule and review process) but OMG. So exciting!!

Moonshadow_N7 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:27:39 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :D Be proud of your success, take some time to relax and recharge your batteries, and then be proud some more, for you deserve it! ;) I'm beyond excited to read and play it as soon as we are able. YAY! <3
2019-09-27 09:23:10 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :D Be proud of your success, take some time to relax and recharge your batteries, and then be proud some more, for you deserve it! ;) I'm beyond excited to read and play it as soon as we are able. YAY! <3

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :D Be proud of your success, take some time to relax and recharge your batteries, and then be proud some more, for you deserve it! ;) I'm beyond excited to read and play it as soon as we are able. YAY! <3


Not yet. I've got to do a ton of editing and playtesting myself before that stage, but we're getting there! :D


Thank you so much! That is so kind of you. The support of everyone has been overwhelming and getting to do this everyday has been so much of a dream I can hardly still believe it!!


Oh that's so great to hear! Being able to inspire and motivate people into being creative is such a wonderful thing. Writing, art, and all of thos things are such a great way to release and express yourself &lt;3

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:27:39 Thank you so much! I'm celebrating while being aware how much there is still left to do. But I definitely wanna share in this stage and achievement, and it's easy to do that with the amazing reaction of you guys &lt;3
2019-09-27 10:12:33 Thank you so much! I'm celebrating while being aware how much there is still left to do. But I definitely wanna share in this stage and achievement, and it's easy to do that with the amazing reaction of you guys <3

Thank you so much! I'm celebrating while being aware how much there is still left to do. But I definitely wanna share in this stage and achievement, and it's easy to do that with the amazing reaction of you guys <3


I can well imagine - it cannot be easy to edit and playtest a 750,000 word behemoth! oO But we appreciate every single hour of work you are putting into this. This will be such a treat to play when it is done! :D