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Many years ago…

It wasn’t just the twittering sound of bird call or the damp lake air that woke Rebecca that Tuesday morning, but also the sensation of someone’s lips on her skin.

With drowsy eyes, she glanced over her shoulder to the man she loved, the man she’d been only seeing for nine months, trailing soft kisses down her naked body under the bedsheet.

He began at her shoulder before moving down to her chest, then her stomach, and finally the curve of her thigh before he began to move up in the same pattern. Except this time, now knowing she was awake, he began to pay particular attention to all of her most ticklish spots.

She kept letting out snorts of contained laughter as he went, a sound he adored and she’d only express when she was completely at ease and safe.

When she was with him.

She rolled onto her back as she tried to swallow down another bout of chuckles. “I own a gun, you know.”

“Oh my, Agent. Is that a threat?” His eyes widened in faux shock. “Well, I better do all I can to cooperate to any demands.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he purred as he leaned closer. “You’ve got me figured out pretty well.” Then he pressed his lips to hers and moaned into the lazy morning kiss as she deepened it.

As they pulled away, Rebecca let her fingers linger on his chest as she took him in. “You’re beautiful.” It was a whisper of realisation—but realisation not of his appearance, but of everything inside of him.

He scoffed. “Well, I’m pretty disappointed you’ve only worked that out now. These good genes have been on full display the entire time we’ve known each other.” He ran his fingertip over his profile…before he couldn’t help breaking into a goofy grin that had Rebecca shivering with delight.

His smile softened as their gazes met and he reached out to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Marry me, Becca?”

“Yes.” The word fell from her lips with more conviction and certainty than anything in her life.

The strength of his beaming smile could have fuelled a small country on solar power in that moment.

He cradled her close and began the trail of kisses once more. “Let me hear it again?”

She chuckled fully this time, not holding anything back. “Yes.”

His lips whispered over her hip. “And again?”


His mouth travelled downwards. “Again?”


Even further.


And for the first time in her entire career, Rebecca was late for work.


This was supposed to post yesterday, sorry. I'd left it in drafts without scheduling it!

Hope you enjoyed it! I really enjoy writing about these two in the early days :)



(tucks Detective deep, DEEP in brain pocket to avoid Trauma)This was Wonderful! *sigh* Wish MC - and Rebecca - could have had just a little more time.... :/

Samantha Murphy

I live for these Rebecca and Rook scenes omg