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Oh man, I seriously pushed myself this week to get that done as I was so excited :D

As I said last week, there are three versions of Chapter 18 but they were nice and straightforward, so they ended up being a breeze to write!

Chapter 19 on the other hand is a big one. It's the epilogue/wrap-up kinda chapter, so there's quite a few variations in it to account for choices made throughout the book as well as with characters. It also ends on some bigger split scenes.

But it's the last one! Ahhhh!!!! 

This will be started on Tuesday next week though, as I am going to give myself a longer weekend to rest. No sneaky working on my rest days like I usually do :D I think I probably overstretched myself a bit this week and I'm really exhausted and feeling a bit depleted. And I want to be at my absolute best for this final push, so I'm hoping a mini-break for properly resting will help with that.

So close now though!!


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share a tense moment, but balanced with a bit of fun lightness:


"What warning?" I ask, pointing the fork in his direction.

I'm half-pleased and half-surprised to find he seems to be wary of me wielding even this pathetic attempt at a weapon.


As make-shift weapons go, the MC could probably do a lot of damage with a fork, hehe :D

Hope you all have the most amazing weekend, and I'll talk to you on Tuesday! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Tuesday!) 



Eeeekkkk! Mason here I come!


My detective is too nice to even think of using a fork as a weapon. Glad to see you are taking a break from writing like a mad-woman the past week.


You go Mishka! You've done us so proud with the hard work you've done this week, I hope you have a good rest this weekend! <3 You definitely deserve it!


Damn you’re GOOD! Please have all the naps to reward yourself!


Silly, dont push yourself too hard. Its going to come out soon and be amazing, no reason to go with out rest! I know you've said you're getting ending jitters but its gonna be great, you'll see. 😁


This is absolutely amazing, and it's so great to hear it's almost done! :D Enjoy your time off, and I hope you can recharge your batteries fully for the final sprint! Any rough estimate how long it will take until we can play the game once you are done? Will it be half a year? Longer? But in any case - YOU ROCK, LADY!!! :D


Oh gosh! Sera! Take a break! >:0 Congratulations on meeting your monthly goal so soon but TAKE A BREAK.

Robbert Michel

Makes me wonder if any of the agents got slightly more worried with the modern trend of disposable wooden and bamboo forks...


take a break! you have been working so, so hard and you deserve some rest!

Ezzi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 23:13:17 Enjoy your well deserved break. <3 :3
2019-09-14 07:07:31 Enjoy your well deserved break. <3 :3

Enjoy your well deserved break. <3 :3

Nicholas Rolison

Well deserved to be sure! Very excited now that it's so close, but everybody's gotta have that balance so you don't burned out.... Good job!


I have no idea, unfortunately :/ Once I submit it to Hosted Games, it's in their hands then! I'll be waiting as eagerly as you guys for news on release at that point!


Rest well! (so damn excited)