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A good week this week! Though I didn't manage to get as many test playthroughs done as I was hoping for at the beginning of the week. This game is LARGE, with a lot of variations and branching, etc.

It's something I'm really going to have to warn beta-testers about when I put a call out, as I want them to be sure they can handle that. I think it's gonna be so awesome to play with the variations, as it should make playthroughs fresh, even when playing the same LI route! Just…makes it tougher for testing, hehe :D

But I started on Chapter 17 on Thursday as I really need to push forward with the writing. And I managed to get much further along with it than I was expecting, which is super motivating!

The first scene of 17 is quite small to play through, but there are a ton of different versions (3 slightly different opening scenes, which lead into 15 different variations of split scenes— 3 possible ones for each LI route depending on the outcome and choices made in Chapter 16). 

But I managed to get all of the 3 opening scenes finished, as well as 2 split scenes. Hoping to get another one or two finished by the end of today as well, then going to work on testing playthroughs over the weekend.

One of my readers has also played through it for me, and there were a lot of chuckles and smiles from her so I was really pleased. That's all I want when people play my game! Well, until part way through Chapter 16 when she got to a certain choice…

So yeah, that was a long speech just to say things are progressing really well! :D


For Update+ this week, I had to search a little harder for a snippet as things are really starting to get spoilery now, even the small bits. But I found a fun Felix/Farah moment in one of the choice options, hehe :D


$!{felix} glances about where I was pointing. "It's just so very boring in here though."

"It's not boring, it's work."

"Are those things really separate?" ${f_she} jokes.


Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! It's a Bank Holiday here in the UK on Monday, so I'll be back on Tuesday :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, or a message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Tuesday!) 


Robbert Michel

Odd question, but how do you think of your characters? As a programmer I really geek out on the little snippets of code. And I notice that fortune Felix/Farah variable you use the Male name, $!{felix} , while for the pronoun variable you use ${f_she}. This got me curious.


Any F snippet is a good snippet!! And, yeah, you’re going to need a small army to playtest this giant beast!

Robbert Michel

I’m sure there is a small army of volunteers to be found in these parts. :)


Do you know, I have no idea, lol! I only just realised now you've pointed it out :D Think that's just how my brain was working when I coded those!


As for how I see them in genders, I try not to think of them as one or the other or I lose focus when writing. I do my best to see them as both!

Michael Reddy

I would pay $59.99 for this right now (and just hope my wife doesn’t find out)

Michael Doppel

Sera: Where am I going to find enough Beta Testers? Fandom: On your left Portal opens and Fandom pours out


I love that you're like "I should warn beta readers about how daunting this could be" and we're all still immediately raising our hands like the teacher's pet hoping you'll pick us :D where's the fun in straightforward anyways

John Hayden

Did you say beta testers?? 😁