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So, this is a kinda spoilery snippet. I want to give you guys a real extra, but if you would prefer something other than more spoilery stuff than please let me know!

It is out of context, and it also is an outcome based on a choice, so you may not actually get it during your runthrough!


I flinch and stare up at ${adam}.

"I need to get ${n_him} out of here. Now," ${adam} orders, ${a_his} voice wobbling slightly at the end so ${a_she} snaps ${a_his} lips shut.

I manage to give a nod and shift back. ${adam} reaches down to drag ${nate} from the ground, and they disappear from the room in a blur of motion.

My gaze shifts back to the ground where ${nate} had just been. Only stains of blood mottle the ground.


Hope you enjoyed it! Can't wait for you guys to read the whole scene…if you get this one ;D



What have you done........ what did you do........ TO MY NATALIE


You'll have to wait and find out ;D Or possibly not find out, as it's based on a choice branch, hehe! You may get a different scene entirely!


*GASPS and CLUTCHES PEARLS* HOW DARE (Watch I get this scene on my first playthrough) -- DAMMIT, SERA, I LOVE IT. It is only fair after Nat had to watch my detective the same way... But I can't seem to find the *CLUTCH NAT TO YOUR HEAVING CHEST* choice?