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The final version in this series of Unseen Scenes!

Hope you enjoy it :)

(I used 'they' as a pronoun for the Detective as it's neutral, so you can imagine whatever gender your MC actually is or NB)


At the Facility. Nearing Midnight.


The image of Nat’s eyes, wide with fear and shining with tears, makes Ava’s heart strangle in her chest. 

She shoves herself off of her bed and paces the room hard enough it’s a surprise it doesn’t leave dents in the floor.

With a groan, she runs a hand through her hair as though trying to push the memory of Nat and the bloodied Detective in the warehouse out of her mind.

It doesn’t work.

Instead, her ribs seem to dig into her lungs like daggers as she stomps back and forth in the confined space of her room, her toes starting to go numb from the force of each step.

A growl escapes her as she almost rips the door from the hinges and heads out into the hallway.


Ava has no idea where she’s going, just as long as it’s not the cage of her room. She needs space. Space enough to give her thoughts room to disappear and stop haunting her.

It’s true she had been worried for the Detective when they’d been so weak after the fight with Murphy. They’d saved them all. And Ava couldn’t even thank them.

But just how worried she’d been is what scares her the most.

Another rumble of annoyance escapes her, scaring a couple of agents into giving her a wide berth as they pass by.

Her march comes to a quick halt as she swings around the corner of a hallway and comes across a couple of familiar figures she would rather not meet in that moment.

Rebecca sags against the glass partition looking into the medical room, and Nat stands close by with a reassuring hand on the woman’s frail shoulder.

“They’ll be all right, Rebecca,” Nat says in a voice so soothing that it almost helps ease the tension which knots Ava’s own body. “They’re your child. They have your strength.”

“At the moment, I have none,” Rebecca admits through a ragged breath.

Nat tugs Rebecca closer. “Then you’re welcome to mine until you get yours back.”

But even as Nat says those words, Ava can see the strain of worry that pinches Nat’s brows together. Nat fears for the Detective’s life.

In the same way and for the same reason Ava does.

And the realisation once again sends a strike of guilt-ridden pain to cut across Ava’s chest.

She eases away from the medical room with a sigh, not noticing Nat turn to watch her go with a confused frown.



Oh geez, my heart. Lol I'm sure this route will be the end of me...I can't wait. *-*


This is legit the only reason why I would dare the LT route. I love A's passion but for the love of all things good, I just can't do LTs. I want everyone to be happy! DX