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Chapter 14 is coming along really well. Should be two thirds through by the time I finish writing this week!

It got a bit more involved and varying than I thought and planned because, well you know, I have problems keeping things simple, hehe :D

But it is a bit of an information giving scene, so I want to make sure it all comes across easily and not too convulted or boring!

This end half of the scene is less information and more fun, devolving into less fun and more frantic...gonna be awesome to write ;D

I also got a chance to really look over and sort out my plans for Book Two this week. I combined a couple of scenes that worked better together, and wiggled some things into place that I wasn't sure where to put, and I can finally say with certainty that Book Two will be 19 chapters long.

Which means we're really starting to get to the home stretch now, guys…

Another exciting realisation this week was I hit over the half-million word mark, lol. I'm really gonna have to rein it in for Book Three!

Book Two is currently sitting at 537,335 words.

So yeah, quite this exciting and productive week!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share something a little different. It's outside of the LI routes and more story-related.

It's not spoliery being so out-of-context, but it does have to do with the story in case anyone wants to avoid that!


"At first, you confused us with how silent you are inside." His feet slide over the carpet closer towards me. "Something unexpected. Something new." He slithers another step forward. "And then I began to hear rumours."

This makes me stiffen. "Rumours?"


I'm having so much fun with the characters being introduced in this book, hehe! :D

Hope everyone has the most fantastic weekend, and I'll talk to you all next week!

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, or a message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 


Afroditi Nikou

You are getting closer to the end and that is the best news I've gotten in months. I can't wait to read it!

Michael Doppel

We don’t deserve you Sera, can’t wait to read Book 2!


I'm so glad it can come as good news! I'm very excited about being able to share it with you guys :D


I'm so glad is almost finish, I been playing Book 1 to many times, because I'm thirty for more. I hate rushing a product, but your killing me. 🤗

Michael Reddy

19 chapters !? 🤗🤗 awesome!!


I AM SOOOOOOOO READY!!! You are epic.


Oh man......this could mean the next 5 chapters might be another 100K (maybe q bit more or a bit less depending how big the next five chapters are) 😮


Oh wow that's so long already!!! and also eeee 5 more chapters to go!! the end is nigh!!

Silver Fair

Awww, i just came back from vacation to find all these awesome updates! So glad to see you're "almost" (VEEERY loosely used) done. Sounds exciting <3 And the size of the book is so so exciting, so much replayability ;D

Sydney Robertson

I'm soooooooooooooo excited about book 2! Its gonna be well worth the wait. I hope I have the day off when it comes out cuz I'm not gonna be able to focus on anything else

Felicia Gouw

Woah, you're certainly fast! I'm hoping to see more of each LI's background story this time round~ Really curious about some of them and how they first became supernaturals.

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:28:34 Hehehe! I hope it will have you immersed in the story and just delving into it that whole day <3
2019-07-22 08:28:36 Hehehe! I hope it will have you immersed in the story and just delving into it that whole day <3

Hehehe! I hope it will have you immersed in the story and just delving into it that whole day <3


I'm getting so excited for you guys to eventually be able to read it! So much in this book I can't wait to talk about with you guys! :D


Yeah, this is why I'm gonna be more careful with Book Three so as people won't have such the long wait (which is never fun, I know!) :D