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And now Adam’s version of this series of Unseen Scenes!

Hope you enjoy it :)

(I used 'they' as a pronoun for the Detective as it's neutral, so you can imagine whatever gender your MC actually is or NB)


At the Facility. Nearing Midnight.


Time. Adam barely takes note of time anymore. But how long it can seem!

Minutes drag into hours; hour drag into days; and days, well, they’ve seemed like centuries for the amount he’s had to suffer through.

The Detective had been brought in days ago, with no sign or hope of waking yet.

Not surprising considering what they’d been through.

Adam hunches forward on the end of his bed, rubbing a hand over his hair while letting out a heavy breath.

There are still things to do. Paperwork to file. People to organise.

And yet here he is, stuck in his room, to afraid to go and see them.

With a growl, Adam shoves himself off his bed and storms from the room into the hallway.


He’d managed to avoid most other people as he traversed the hallways. Sensing their movements or heartbeats, and dodging out of view or into another corridor as they neared. 

But one steady, familiar rhythm beats in his ears as he nears the medical wing.

Rounding the corner, Adam is already prepared for the sight of Rebecca, even if not prepared for seeing her in the state she’s in.

Dark circles drag at her usually focused eyes, her nails are bitten short as she taps them against her paled lips, and her stiff, formal posture has slumped so much he’s surprised she hasn’t collapsed onto the floor.

“Agent [Surname]—” he begins, then shakes his head. “Rebecca.”

She glances over at him with a frown. “Adam.”

It’s strange for them to use such informalities, but it seems appropriate considering the situation.

Adam moves to stand beside her. His green eyes purposefully avoid looking through the glass partition where the Detective is visible.

“You should rest,” he suggests.

She brushes back a dull curl of hair from her face. “As I’ve been told repeatedly by everyone who passes.”

“Then maybe it’s time you finally take that advice.” He folds his arms. “I will take watch.”

Her brows pinch together as her focus whips back to the form of her unconscious child. “I couldn’t take if it something happened to them…”

“I know. I won’t let that happen.” There is no doubt to Adam’s tone.

Rebecca sags further, only just making it to the chairs behind them before she flops down onto one and leans her head back. “Thank you.”

He nods, but her eyes have already closed, her chest rising in steady, deep breaths as sleep takes her.

Adam swallows. In order to keep a watch over the Detective, he needs to actually look at them.

He does.

And he grits his teeth against the pain in his chest which makes it feel as though his ribs have caved in.


Silver Fair

This was my favorite by far. But I'm waiting to see this scene fro the LT to make the final call :P


A's was a bit more intense because of their already obvious feelings for the MC, looking forward to sharing more Unseen scenes and seeing people's favourites on those too, hehe!


Awkshshs Rebecca!!!! And Adam my dear!!! They both need a big ass hug rn 🥺🥺🥺🥺