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Hey look, I even got the year right in the title this time, hehe!

Chapter 12's writing is finished!!! Woohoo!!!

I have to do edits and rewriting for bits, but I will be able to complete those today and tomorrow, so on Monday I will be starting Chapter 13 :D

I really enjoyed writing the LI scenes for Chapter 12. I mean, I love writing all the LI scenes, but these were more informational/downtime scenes with some stuff that I know people have been keen to find out, as well as a couple of major progression moments for a couple of the LIs!

Chapter 13 is looking like a nice straight-forward one, and F's friend scene is in it and that's gonna be a ton of fun to write, hehe!

So yeah, a real push forward this month already!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share something from the Love Triangle route.






Tension had swirled like thunder clouds when ${nate} had walked in on ${adam} and $!{name} together, but there had also been something else lingering in the air. Something magnetic. Something charged.  

And it had sent a prickle of fear crawling up ${nate}'s spine.


Is Natey/Natkins beginning to sense something...?

Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend, and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)


Michael Reddy

Loved the sneak peak !

Sue A.

You're on a roll! Also that sneak peek - I am full of excitement and dread.


Thanks for reminding me why I will never touch that God forsaken thing called love triangle 🤣

Afroditi Nikou

And that is the reason why I never played the love triangle! My heart is not strong enough for this.

Silver Fair

The Love Triangle is by far my favorite route! I almost expected Nate not to realize anything about Adam until Book 3... surprise surprise! He might catch on faster than I thought!


... That hurt just reading it out of context...

Dawn Dean

Ooo I'm gonna have so much fun playing through this LT at a dozen times for all the options! ..ugh. I might have become a masochist ^^;

Felicia Gouw

Whew... I can imagine myself being angsty playing this love triangle route, yet unable to put my phone down and keep on hitting the next button. I'm team N, but some A scenes are just too inviting to resist. Grawr, if I end up having heart complications after this game is out, you'll be responsible! *kidding *no, seriously, I think I just might suffer