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June was a great month, I completed my goal as well as all the common scenes for Chapter 12 and one and a half of the LI scenes! 

The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two currently sits at a word count of 477,085 words. So it's now already bigger than Book One, and by far the biggest thing I've ever created :D

Hoping chapters will be a little smoother than the beasts that were Chapter 7 and Chapter 11, hehe (also Chapter 10, which was a terrible mess of coding. I'm so sorry @spunkycatninja who was amazing and awesome to be able to edit around that!). Though I know there is another massive one coming up with a lot of variation and choices (but it's a seriously awesome scene!), and the outcome of that in the chapter after is also heavily variant based depending on choices, outcomes, etc of the previous one.

But for now I'm focusing on a chapter at a time, and trying not to think too far ahead.

This month's goals I'm really going to try and push myself. I would like to get Chapter 12's LI scenes done and Chapter 12 finished, Chapter 13 finished, and get Chapter 14 started! 

Gonna be a super busy month but hopefully a majorly productive one, hehe!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! :)


John Hayden

Woo steep goals! Hopefully you blast through them. I know I’m not the only one who plays through the demo secretly hoping every time we’re going to blast through to some new chapters 😂 Can’t wait for the next book.


Considering all the reactivity that seems to be going on, I'm mildly terrified of what your notes/bible must look like for the future of the series. The document that ate Saturn, sorta thing?


It's some pretty intense notes/planning/reference material going on, lol! One day, I'll hopefully even have it somewhat organised, hehehe :D


Just have me looking more forward to it with every post, I'm looking forward to it

Michael Reddy

The longer the better 🤗🤗🤗


You are an absolute writing machine. We appreciate you so much but please remember to take some time out for yourself. Self-care is very important :-)

Silver Fair

It's sooooo impressive how much you write! Are you still having fun with it? I hope you do, that's important :) I strongly believe we all love Wayhaven so much because you love it so much, and it shines through your writing! :) Cannot wait for Book 2. You should raise the price if there is so many words :P hehe!


Wooo you are just blazing through this book!! Hopefully July continues to be productive!

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:28:56 Fun can't even express what I feel when I get to write and create! Wayhaven especially, hehe :D Thank you so much, and thank you for being so active here. It means so much to read comments as I love getting people's thoughts on things, even when it's just snippets or updates <3
2019-07-02 08:40:59 Fun can't even express what I feel when I get to write and create! Wayhaven especially, hehe :D Thank you so much, and thank you for being so active here. It means so much to read comments as I love getting people's thoughts on things, even when it's just snippets or updates <3

Fun can't even express what I feel when I get to write and create! Wayhaven especially, hehe :D Thank you so much, and thank you for being so active here. It means so much to read comments as I love getting people's thoughts on things, even when it's just snippets or updates <3

Silver Fair

Thank you for always replying! I actually follow you on Tumblr too... but I hate my own Tumblr (I never really use it) so I just write you asks anonymously :P