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Question for Ava: “In all your long years with the Agency, have they ever given you reason to doubt your orders?”


“Never.” The word is spoken with such solid resolve that it would be impossible to doubt.

And yet still Felix gives a frown from the chair next to her. “Wait, wasn’t there that thing?”

Ava arches a brow at him. “Thing?”

“Yeah. Before I arrived.” She purses her lips in thought for a moment. “The other agents said things got a bit hairy with—”

Nat’s hand clamps on Felix’s arm in a flash of movement. “That was nothing.”

“But it was—”

“Nothing,” Nat repeats with a frown that has even Felix’s voice trailing off. The frown is reprimanding but softens with a strange kind of pain.

Ava stares out of the nearby window, eyes piercing so fiercely through the glass it’s amazing it doesn’t shatter beneath the force of it.


 (Is this a hint at things to be brought up in future books...maybe...dundundun ;D)



🔎👀 A mystery then..

Silver Fair

*___* so curious!!!