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Question for Morgan: “Who are you closest to in UB?”


Morgan’s nose crinkles at the question. “What?”

“They asked who you are closest to,” Farah repeats.

“Yes, I heard,” Morgan growls. “But it’s a stupid-ass question. You’re all important to me.”

Farah pouts her lips. “Aww, you big ol’ softie you.”

“Call me that again, and I’ll show you how soft I am…” Morgan threatens with eyes narrowed.

Farah grins slowly.

“Farah, please don’t—“ Nate begins.

Farah leans closer to Morgan. “Big. Ol’. Softie.

Nate and Adam both sigh at the same time as Morgan lunges across the room after Farah, who has disappeared from view in a flash of motion to fast for the human eye to see.



Awww, M loves their team 💕 But I guess they want to be closes to F (to punch)

