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My word, what a week!

The lovely @spunkycatninja played through chapters 8, 9, and 10 for me and her incredible reactions gave me such a massively excited boost that I slammed through writing this week, hehe! :D

I got 2 out of the 5 LI scenes for the first branch completed, as well as both versions of the opening for the first branch, and it looks like I'll finish F's scene today as well!!

So I'm super happy with how this week went, especially as I was really into the flow of the scenes and I LOVE how they're coming out.

There's also some big news I want to share this week: I will be going to writing full-time in mid-June!!!

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful and kind support on Patreon that is allowing me to do this and achieve my dream. It's still mind-blowing <3

I'm unbelievably excited...but also terrifed, lol!

It's a huge step and risk, but if you don't take the risk for your dreams then what do you take it for, right? :D

I have a vacation planned in June, but after that I will be coming back to writing as my job!!!!

Quite an incredible and intense week, hehe! But an amazing one :)


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share a bit from A and N's friend scene with the MC.

There are 2 versions of the opening for the Research branch (there will be 2 versions for the Combat branch as well, which will differ from the Research...'cause I have an addiction to variation that is out of control, hehehe!).

If you romance A, N, or the LT route, then you'll get M and F's friend scene. If you romance F or M, you get A and N's friend scene. These scenes are just a nice organic bonding moment, as well as a relatively easy time to rack up some friend points!


"You're quite the mix of people," I comment, laying my book down in my lap as conversation flows in this easy setting. "${felix} and ${mason} seem so forward and modern while you two are more…" My words trail as I try to think of something other than 'old-fashioned'.

The two vampires flick their gazes up from their books to me as I pause, then slowly look at each other with brows raised before returning their focus back to me.

"Oh please, Detective," ${adam} says, leaning forward in challenge. "Do finish that sentence."


This then leads onto a choice of responses for more fun :D

I just want to say again from the bottom of my heart and with every fibre of my being how grateful I am for your support. To get to my dream has me on the edge of tears (very happy ones!) everytime I think of it! <3 <3 <3

Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)


(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!) 



Aaaaah congrats girl! I know it's probably really exciting but a little scary too, just because of how different things will be, but you are so special and motivated and everyone believes in and loves your writing so much! So happy for you.


OHHH MY FUCKING GOD. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU SERA. Big massive congratulations to you!!!!!!!


That's totally awesome! Congratulations!


Oh God, i'm so happy for you. &lt;3 Congratulations! &lt;3 You deserve all the success and good things coming your way. :-)


I'm so happy that your wanting to take the step to write full time! Youre such a wonderful writer, and deserve it so much.


Congratulations for taking such a big step! This is absolutely amazing news, and I wish you all the best of luck and much success! :D

Dawn Dean

I'm excited for you!! Scary step, but clearly worth it. :) and that sneak peek, I legit chewed my lip and said, "mature? ...refined?" before laughing at the delicious awkwardness

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:29:32 Thank you so much! &lt;3 I really had fun with these bonding scenes, hehe! Can't wait to write more of them :D
2019-05-20 12:26:19 Thank you so much! <3 I really had fun with these bonding scenes, hehe! Can't wait to write more of them :D

Thank you so much! <3 I really had fun with these bonding scenes, hehe! Can't wait to write more of them :D


I LOVED READING THROUGH ALL THE LOVE HERE ❤️I actually didn't know you were full-time writing(thought you were still doing support job) - so this is Amazing to see! YAY, SERA - gosh, on the verge of tears myself! There's nothing more Beautiful than Tireless Effort Rewarded I want to see all Creatives out there struggling for their Dreams WINNING, so it makes me VERY Happy you're there! Keep Living your Best Life, hun! :D


P.S. I just bought a 'big girl' mattress for the first time (which is my definition of ADULT) after many years of housing insecurity, so Trust: I know that terrified/excited feeling lol Nothing Great comes without a little Risk. ;)