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Had a bit more of a maintenance/clean-up week this week. I like to try and do these when I can (and remember!) as it's good to just take a step back to work on the base stuff too.

So I did my 3rd draft edits for Chapters 9 and 10, added in the final edits for Chapter 7, did more in-depth bug testing, added in more small variations, as well as working playthroughs.

I sometimes get asked for advice on writing interactive fiction, and one piece of advice that I find most important is to make sure and actually playthrough your game as you go!

Writing interactive fiction can get super disjointed. You're writing branches, variations, coding, choices, etc. Which may all seem fine as you're going, but playing through it lets you actually see the flow and continuity of the piece—a super important part :D

Sometimes when I'm writing 6 different versions of a scene, I can forget I need a certain line to make the next two scenes flow together. Or maybe there needs some variation to make a certain personality choice fit better in the scene that you didn't notice when writing.

Playing through it can take a looooong time, especially with different branches, etc, but it is so crucial to creating a smoothly flowing piece. And if you do it at regular intervals, then it doesn't become quite so huge a task!

But obviously I couldn't stay completely away from writing because I am addicted, hehehe!

I managed to get the two varying starts of Chapter 11 going, and then began the first scene towards one of the major branches. It was such good fun as it has a more casual feel to it, and I love getting to write these friend moments that bring the team together with the MC in a more organic way than just picking choices!

So yeah, a really good Spring clean kinda week :D I'll be continuing playthroughs and edits into the weekend so that I can just concentrate fully on Chapter 11 on Monday!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a choice from that bonding scene that I particularly enjoyed writing:

CHOICE: Chuckle. "Maybe some picture books would amuse you better."

I don't even put down my book as I let out a chuckle. "Maybe some picture books would amuse you better."

${mason}'s smile grows at my comment. 

"If only," ${felix} replies with a roll of ${f_his} eyes. "But even the picture books in this place are drowned in words."

"That was pretty poetic of you," ${mason} comments.

${felix} grins. "Thanks. I do try."


As you might be able to tell, I'm working on the Supernatural Research version of Chapter 11 first :D

Hope everyone has the most fantastic weekend, and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!) 



The advice is much appreciated. Thanks, Mishka!


Thank you for the update! I can see how the little stuff really makes a difference for a polished product. I'm so jealous of your work ethic lol


Well I can say with confidence that you're not alone in that! :D


That is... so cute... 💕

Silver Fair

Have a lovely weekend!!!


I do love the banter and frienship moments. Gets me excited for when the MC is even more a part of them too, hehe :D