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So, I just want to explain a little about the 'Unseen Scenes' series. It's what I'll be doing for the Extra Monthly Bonus Content for reaching $2800 (which is a HUGE amount, and I am so incredibly grateful for your guys' support and love! <3).

Unseen Scenes is, well, exactly as it sounds :D It's scenes that either I wanted to fit into the books but couldn't, or scene ideas I had but didn't fit anywhere, or even scenes actually in the book but done from another (usually the LI's) POV!

This month's Unseen Scene was a scene I wanted to fit into Book One near the end. An inbetween scene from the LI's POV when the MC was still unconscious and hadn't woken yet after the Murphy fight.

So yeah, this isn't just a fun side scenario. It's actual canon content!

It was too short to really fit in anywhere though, so I ended up cutting it. It's so great to be able to share it with you now! If we stay at over $2800 next month, then I'll do a poll to see which POV of this scene you guys would like next!

Hope you enjoy it :)

 (I used 'they' as a pronoun for the Detective as it's neutral, so you can imagine whatever gender your MC actually is or NB) 


At the Facility. Nearing Midnight.


The event with Murphy was days ago, but a fight hadn’t had lingering effects like this in a long time for Morgan.

Sleep is impossible, and she lay on her bed staring at the ceiling which is obscured by the cigarette smoke pouring out between her lips. The smoke wafts up and curls around the broken smoke detector above her, frayed and splayed wires protruding from the plastic case of it.

A groan escapes her.

She gives a huff of breath, stubs the cigarette out in the ash tray on the side table, and punches open the door to head out into the corridor.


It’s quieter in the facility at this time of night though still not silent enough for Morgan’s preference. She passes by a couple of agents who let their gazes linger over her lithe form…something that would normally attract her attention immediately.

But tonight she doesn’t even notice. 

Her footsteps stomp down the wide, circular tunnels of the bunker-like facility. She doesn’t even know where’s she’s headed as long as it’s somewhere away from everyone else.

But on turning the corner of the next corridor, she frowns to find herself in a recognisable location, with a recognisable figure stood in it.

“Agent [Surname]?” she calls with a frown. For a second, she thought it might be her imagination, but creativity isn’t exactly something she’s known for.

The woman swings her head around to face her. And once again she thinks she’s imagining things. Her face is unusually pale, dark circles heavy beneath her usually stern gaze, and her hands are folded in obvious worry—nothing like the formidable agent she’s used to.

“Morgan,” she replies, just as surprised to see her.

Morgan moves closer and everything becomes clear as she realises just where she’s walked to.

It’s the medical wing. The glass window to one side frames the Detective led on the bed within. 

They haven’t moved since being brought to the facility days ago. Not even woken up yet.

Not that Morgan has been keeping up with the news on them or anything. 

She shifts on the spot. 

“It’s late,” Morgan says, as though the simple words are the start of a conversation.

“I’m aware,” Rebecca replies, her focus snapped back to her child. 

Morgan glances over her crumpled suit with her top lip curled up. “Have you even left?”

She shakes her head. “Not until [Name] has woken.”

With a contained sigh, Morgan stares through the window…and almost regrets it. A strange pang leaves a hollow sensation in her stomach.

A weird feeling she has no idea of the source of.

She shrugs it off. “They’ll be fine.” Her fingers move to Rebecca’s shoulder but instead she draws them back awkwardly. She never was good at this comforting thing. Maybe she should go wake Nate.

“Yes,” Rebecca replies. The single word chokes in her throat. “They have to be.”

Morgan’s lips open and snap shut a few times. A swell of want to comfort the woman overcomes her for just a moment…but it fades at the realisation she has no idea how.

She drops her gaze to the ground. “I’m sorry.”

She then shuffles away, her attention drawn to the Detective through the window once more.

The hollow ache returns before vanishing a second later.



I love it! Thank you for all your little extras, they always make my day. You are amazing! ♡