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Well, I managed to power through Chapter Ten this week considering I was on break for part of it :D

I think that refresh really did wonders!

I managed to finish the massive stat/choice scene, and am finally on to the next bit...which one variation of is something I've been very, very excited to write for a while now!

I'm hoping to get up to the LI split scenes by the end of today, which will put me on track for getting 2 LI scenes done by the end of April as was my goal!

Chapter Ten is already over 28,000 words :D But there's a lot of variation in this scene, as well choices. Looking forward to playing through it as a coherent piece rather than writing it in bits and pieces, hehe!

So a great week seeing as it was a short one for me!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd show how fun it is playing around with variation.

It's amazing how you can have the same words, but with such different meanings with just a few changes in how characters act!


Variant #1 — Non-romanced Adam/Ava.

${adam} half-smiles. "This is not the first time the Agency has been exposed. We have measures in place for such a thing."

"Ones that won't harm or have a lasting effect, don't worry," ${nate} is quick to jump in on realising just how threatening ${adam}'s statement actually could have been taken. The ${a_man} really needs to work on ${a_his} people skills.

Variant #2 — Romanced Adam/Ava.

${adam}'s lips purse for a moment. "This is not the first time the Agency has been exposed. We have measures in place for such a thing."

"Ones that won't harm or have a lasting effect, don't worry," ${nate} is quick to jump in on realising just how threatening ${adam}'s statement actually could have been taken. Though I get the impression it was meant to sound [i]exactly[/i] as ${adam} said it.


Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I'll talk to you all Monday! <3


(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!) 



Congratulations on getting the scene done and hoozah for getting started on more fun scenes!


Thank you so much &lt;3 Hopefully the big stat scene will be fun too! Was just complicated and intense to write, hehe :D


Can't wait for you finish... I know it's gonna be amazing and worth the wait. I just want you to take my money! 😂

Blake Robertson

✍🏻+🐀🐀🐀+🍵+ 💅🏻=💯 AHHHH!!! I'm so ready! 🧠💋💋💋


Hehehe :D I'm looking forward to it's completion to, just so as I can finally talk to you guys about what's to come!!