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Chosen Word Prompts:

- Snow

- Melting

- Miracle


“I mean, is it even Spring?” I ask, giving a heavy huff of breath as I stare out of the living room window of the warehouse to the snow-carpeted forest beyond.

It’s a blanket of white as far as the eye can see. Even vampire ones.

“Ah yes,” Ava replies from the sofa where she’s indulging in a glass of wine. “I find complaining about the weather often changes it.”

I roll my eyes. Once I would have found any joke from her a miracle, but her sense of humour has certainly come into its own since getting together. 

With another sigh that makes my shoulders sag, I plod towards the sofa, and take the seat beside her.

She doesn’t look at me, only stares into the fire which crackles with energy in the brick fireplace.

“It’s better than TV this,” I say, gesturing to the flames.

She chuckles, the sound of it vibrating through the sofa, and whispering over my skin so as I shiver.

“Then on a day such as today, what would you recommend to pass the time?” she asks, shifting a little closer so as her arm drapes over my legs curled beside her. She places the glass down on the table, the red of the wine glimmering like ruby in the light of the fire, and the tangy scent of it lingering in the air.

I shrug. “Something together?”

“Oh?” she quirks a brow, her fingers rubbing over my thigh as she throws me a smoulder burning with so much intensity it would have all the snow over Wayhaven melting beneath it.

It certainly has me in a puddle.

She leans over to crawl a little over me, her smile growing ever longer until she is completely balanced on top of me. I lick my lips at the way her shirt tightens over every muscle and curve of her torso.


I smile at her. “Much.”

She laughs deeply then presses herself down towards me in a slow motion.

My eyes shut in anticipation, my whole body overcome with the sense of her, and lost to the moment in a second.


Well, this is the final one of this Spring Special series! I hope you enjoyed them all :D

It was great fun having you guys choose the prompts—so keep an eye out for more of that in the future!

(Sorry for the lateness of this one today. I went back and forth about putting it up as I didn't want to spoil A's romance and what it'll be like. But then I figured, it might finally be nice for people to get to see what A will be more like when that sloooooowwww burn finally comes to an end, hehe ;D

But I really hope I didn't spoil the feel of A's romance in the future for anyone!)



Michael Reddy

I know I’m WAYYYY late on this but I’ve only been following this for a few months, read the book about 35+ times already, but this is my favorite post, I’m glad I took the time to scroll down


Oh my GOD. Im a heap, im a mess, im actually a little warm and very flustered... Ava!!!! And I thought N was suave...