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Chosen Word Prompts:

- Warmth

- Lake

- Walk/Stroll


Sun seeps through the lush evergreen foliage of the forest. The warmth of it prompts the birds hidden within the branches to begin a chattering of song that makes my lips curve into a contented smile.

“What’s made you so happy?” Morgan demands.

My smile fades a little at his brash tone. “Just knowing Spring is on the way.”

Morgan glances about the forest, most it hidden in deep shadow, but a smattering of golden sunshine dappling through the canopy to light our way.

The tangy freshness of dew on the leaves fills my lungs.

“Well, it could do with bloody hurrying up,” she moans as she hunches her shoulders, and punches her hands into the pockets of her jacket. “It’s been cold long enough.”

“And yet when it’s hot you complain about that too,” I remind her.

She smirks. “I only like certain types of heat.”

I ignore the not-even-slightly-veiled innuendo and continue on through the trees. “So, what do you usually do on these patrols?”

“Not much,” she says with a shrug. “Stroll around, keep an eye out for bad guys, take down bad guys if they pop up.”

“Oh,” I reply with a smile over at her. “Simple then.”

“Things don’t have to be complicated to be fun,” she says. She shifts closer until our steps match each other’s.

I smile a little wider. “Depends on what those things are.”

“I was thinking us. Together.” She angles closer. “Up against one of these trees.”

I sigh. “For just a moment, you were doing pretty good at subtle subtext.”

“I’m never subtle over things I want, sweetheart/handsome,” she replies with a long smile.

“Well, would you look at that,” I say, and draw to a stop as the trees thin out at the edge of the forest. “Something that might help cool you off.” I flick a hand to gesture at the lake spread out before us. Its surface glimmers in the early morning sun, betraying the depth of the chill the waters actually hold at this time of year.

She scoffs. “No way I’m getting in there.”

“Not even if seeing you all wet would help me feel more agreeable to your propositions?” I ask with a chuckle.

She cocks her head at me then steps closer. I back up a little before my back hits the thick trunk of a tree. My fingers grip at the gnarled bark just to help keep some of my composure.

With my retreat cut off, she places a hand either side of my head. Her gaze gauges my response the entire time—and it’s a very good response. 

Her body arches towards mine in a waft of smoky scent. I suddenly forget all about what I’d even asked as her head leans close, her fingers joining it as she brushes the tips of them oh so slowly over the curve of my shoulder.

Her breath leaves a trail of excited goosebumps up my neck.

She stops near my ear. “I’d dive all the way to the very depths if it meant getting a taste of you.”

My breath stutters in my throat.

She leans back, staring over me to smile in appreciation of my reaction. 

She picks a cigarette from her pocket, then turns to leave. “Just say the word, sweetheart/handsome.”

I don’t say the word. In fact, I don’t think I’m going to be saying much at all for a good long while, my focus instead going on trying to get my legs to move instead of turning to jelly.


Hope you enjoyed it! :)
