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Early update this week as I'm going to be on Easter break starting tomorrow! Gonna have a bit of a rest and recuperate, then be back fresh next Wednesday :)

As for this week, I'm super pleased with how it's gone.

I'm working on quite a big choice scene that has to do with the stats, so a lot of variation and choices within choices within success or fail variations :D

But it's coming out really well, and I think it will be…an intense scene, especially after the event that led to this moment!

I'm still undecided about splitting Chapter 10. It might fit better on the end of Chapter 9, but that's something I'll ask my readers if I can't make a decision after playing through it myself when it's all done.

Writing really is organic, and very much go-with-the-flow at times :D

So yeah, another great week!


For Update+ this week, I'd thought I'd share a little of what's coming up in that choice scene:

"Is this how you are accustomed to greeting guests, human?" he asks.

"It's how I greet intruders," I reply, my hands balling at my sides in preparation. 


Ohh...things are getting tense for the MC... :D (You might not get this scene, it'll depend on your choices and stats!)

Also, just a quick note about the Elidor portrait: It is coming (next month is my goal)! I'm having a little issue with my graphics tablet at the moment, but once that's sorted, I'm hoping portraits will be out on a more regular basis after that!

Hope everyone has the most fantastic Easter, and if you don't celebrate that then just a wonderful weekend! I'll talk to you all on Wednesday <3

(As rewards have to be sent out by me and aren't automatic, all rewards and messages will be sent out the moment I finish work on Wednesday! I'm really sorry for the delay to anyone who has to wait until then!)



👀 ooohhhhh, this is exciting!! Can't wait to see what choice results in this scene!!

Jessica O.

I’m so excited, I’m gonna cry from pure joy once book 2 is out. Hope you have a good break!


Ohhhhh!! That snippet is exciting 👀 Who’s butt is the MC gonna have to kick?

Erin Hayes

My MC, who has no combat skills whatsoever: fight me (ง'̀-'́)ง

Blake Robertson

Good, a well deserved rest for sure! Thank you so much for working around the clock to bring book 2 sooner!!! Love ya


She really does. She works so incredibly hard on this all the time. She deserves all the good vibes we can send her way.


So exciting! Can't wait to hear more and you have a great weekend! Enjoy your Easter.


Thank you so much! It was a wonderful break...though I am so keen to get back to Wayhaven it's silly, hehehe! :D


There's a ton of variation in this scene depending on choice and success or fail of stats, so I'm hoping all version will be interesting to go through!


It is a choice, so you don't have to fight...but I will say I'm having just as much fun writing the fail scenes as the success ones, hehehe :D


You are so welcome. Glad to hear you had a wonderful break. :)