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Another good week! I actually got further than I imagined I would.

Thought I would only make it up to where the end of Chapter 9 branches, but instead I got a really good start into one of the branches (and it was great fun finally getting to write that scene, hehe ;D).

I also managed to code in and make work the Key Decisions and Detective details stats page, which some of you may have seen on Instragram.

It was a brilliant suggestion by arlieopal on Tumblr that I hope will help people who have multiple MCs, or just need a little reminder in Book Two after the wait!

I've also recently had quite a few Tumblr asks about how long it took me to write Book One. The answer is a year, so I'm guessing people are wondering if Book Two will take about the same time. 

So, I thought I would help to give you an idea of why Book Two is taking longer (though hopefully not that much longer!)

This is what the basic plan looks like for Chapter 9 (a relatively simple chapter compared to others in Book Two):

Each one of those boxes is a version of a scene that has to be written out before moving onto the next set of boxes.

Book One had more linear chapters due to it being a more introductory type book :D

Book Two has a TON more variation in it now your MC has actually made decisions and started earning points to friendship, etc. Which is gonna make replayability hopefully great, but it also takes a lot more work! 

So that's also a little sneaky peek into Chapter 9 for you too, hehe ;D


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share one of my favourite sets of choices so far:

#Call Tina to be talked out of it.

#Call Verda for actual advice.


And also because I felt bad about painting A as petty last week, here is a bit to balance that out:

A small flicker of hope flutters inside ${nate}. It casts a soft smile on ${n_his} features. "Thank you, ${adam}."

"I don't want your gratitude," ${adam} replies, smiling in return. "I want you to be happy."

Hehehe :D

Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend, and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!) 



That's a lot of variables to be taken into account. O_O We will wait patiently for Book 2, don't worry. Please enjoy your weekend.


It should make the playthroughs so much more individual and personal to the player! Thank you so much for your continued patience <3


Thank you so much for putting in so much effort to make an amazing story for us. Not many authors would do that so that means you’re pretty amazing yourself.


Aah, that's so kind of you to say! I really want Wayhaven to be something that as many people as possible can enjoy and immerse themselves, in, so it's worth that extra effort! <3

Afroditi Nikou

We will wait as long as it takes for book 2, we know it is hard work to write so many variations. Don't forget to rest every once in a while 😘

Blake Robertson

Take all the time in the world, it's going to be perfect!!! Love ya!


Thank you so much! I really want it to be as good as I can possibly make it, but I also know what it's like to suffer the wait between games we love! :D


Aah!! That's so kind of you. It really will be worth the wait 'cause I think the variations and branching will add even more to it <3


That's an insane amount of work! I'm amazed by how much you care about your work and your readers. Thank you for all that you do! I loved the variety in Book 1, so I'm stoked for Book 2. Be sure to take care of yourself :)


I am laughing so hard at the Tina/Verda thing, you have no idea. Like, way to boil down their respective relationships with the detective.




That is a lot. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. And I am curious if Tina would actually be one to talk the MC out of anything...


It's gonna be worth it to be that extra work in! Can't wait for you guys to get to play through it, hehe :D


I'm so glad you're enjoying the updates! It's nice to be able to keep people up to date on where I'm at or what I'm working on. Plus I love getting to share the little snippets in Update+, hehe <3