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Chosen prompts:

- Shower

- Blossom

- Warm


Red stains the cloth, turning its once yellow-checked cotton into a massacre of crimson.

“Agh,” Nate groan, wiping at the wine stain but only pushing it further into the material. “I hope it comes out.”

I chuckle. “It’s only a picnic blanket, Nate. It’s hardly a haute couture gown.”

A smile blossoms on his lips and sends my heart skittering as fast as the bird song chirping around us. “Maybe a fashion show would have been a more successful place for our date.”

“No,” I reply, leaning my elbows back to lay against the blanket. Long blades of grass, juicy with new Spring growth, tickles at my skin. “This is perfect.”

“I agree,” he replies. The blanket tugs taut as he moves to sidle up and lay beside me. “Though I think anywhere with you would suit me just fine.”

A warm breeze cascades down from the blue sky and wraps us in a cocoon of our own world. Nate’s eyes dance over my happy expression.

“You truly amaze me,” he says, the words barely more than a whisper on a sighed breath.

The ground feels like it sways beneath me. “I could say the same about you.”

Wetness seeps over my bottom lip, and I’m disappointed to find its not from Nate’s lips on mine.

Another blob of rain splashes against my hand.

“The picnic!” Nate calls, throwing himself over the basket as though protecting it from a blast.

“Leave it,” I call, grabbing his hand and tugging. “Let’s get under the tree.”

We both scramble onto our feet before sprinting towards the large oak tree with its umbrella of new growth.

Drops of rain only manage to pellet us for a bit before we are completely sheltered, huddled up together by the trunk.

I can’t help but let out a soft laugh. “That was unexpected.”

Nate’s whole face is crest-fallen as he stares with wide eyes at the ruined picnic. The rain bashes at the crust of the pie he cooked, and also washing away the remnants of wine.

“I’m sorry,” I say, slipping my hand into his. “It was delicious, though.”

He sighs and presses a smile onto his lips. “I’m glad you enjoyed it while it lasted.”

“Who says we can’t still enjoy it now?” I ask, wiping away a dribble of rain that draws a line down his cheek. My touch lingers on his skin, and I can feel him shiver beneath my fingers.

“And just what did you have in mind?” he asks, pressing forward until my back is against the tree trunk.

“Well, we have to do something to warm ourselves up from this sudden shower.”

His eyes deepen with intent. “I can certainly help with that.”

I almost lose my breath completely when his hands slide onto my hips.

The rain, the picnic, the date…suddenly it’s all very much forgotten.


Hope you enjoyed it! :D




Yaaaas! This is next level writing, gf! Amazing job on getting painting a fantastic picture. So descriptive and very impactful! Sensory overload goodness! <3


This is heartwarming and adorable and makes my day better - I thought you should know.


Such an imperfectly perfect date. <3

Katie Williams

No matter the weather, a date with Nate is always perfect <3

Cat B

My Heart! I love! I love Nate so much!


Love love love. Can't wait to read the others.


N bakes?!! Is there anything (other than handle technology) they can't do?! Agent Suavewell strikes again!


I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to seeing the popular prompts for the others too :D


Oh my God... I don't think I'll ever get used to the way he can switch from fluffy to smoldering like THAT.