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I finally made it :D

All the writing is done, I've completed my first lot of edits, so today I will be doing test playthroughs and a few more edits. But it's pretty much fully done!

On Monday I will be moving onto Chapter 8!

Chapter 7 ended up coming out at 92,439 words...blimey! Even bigger than I was expecting, lol.

As much as I love Chapter 7 and hope people will enjoy the date, I also think there's quite a few things in Chapter 8 that will have people excited ;D

So yeah, it was an intense week but it was worth it!


For Update+ this week, thought I'd share a little snippet of my editing that had me in fits of laughter (to be fair, it was like 2am, so most things were funny at that point of being super tired, lol!).


${nate} chuckles. "Careful, ${adam}. Your competitive side is flaring."

"I'm not competitive," ${adam} contours.


${nate} chuckles. "Careful, ${adam}. Your competitive side is flaring."

"I'm not competitive," ${adam} counters.


Hehehe! All I could think of when I read it was Adam/Ava whipping out their make-up kit to get those cheekbones even more defined :D

...Maybe you had to be there, but it definitely made me chuckle, lol!

Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend, and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!) 



Sera has conquered the beast that is Chapter 7!!! Congrats! :D

Afroditi Nikou

I read that while sitting on a crowded bus and I laughed out loud! Everyone was staring....😂


The image of Adam contouring made my day. XD

