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That time Rebecca saved Unit Bravo…


“There are worse places to be trapped,” Felix chimes, glancing about the dingy makeshift cell. Water dribbles over the mould-infested walls and plops in droplets onto the cracked concrete floor.

“What?” Mason growls.

Felix shifts on the ground. “Add a splash of paint, some furniture, and it wouldn’t be so bad.” His gaze flicks up to the barred windows. “Oh, and a way out, of course.”

“Of course,” Ava grunts in sarcastic reply.

Nat rolls her head over to face Ava. “What are we going to do?”

The room is a concrete cage. Even the sunlight doesn’t seem to dare filter in through the few, tiny windows.

“Can anyone move?” Ava asks, looking over the group who are each spread on the ground with DMB-soaked rope tied around their limbs.

There’s a chorus of garbled ‘no’s.

“You?” Nat asks.

Ava tries to shift in the binds, but not even a muscle flinches. She eventually shakes her head.

“Well,” Felix calls into the quiet. “Guess we really better get comfy then.”

Nat strains her neck to get closer to Ava. “It’s been three days. If The Agency were going to find us, they would have done so by now.”

“Our only chance is that they’re still looking—”

Ava's words are cut off by a gargled shriek from above them.

Silence falls heavy.

Then a loud blast erupts.

“What the…” Mason begins but is cut off as a pounding of footsteps sounds from outside of the room.

The impenetrable metal vault door swings open. Their captor stands before them, paled and certainly not as confident as when he’d sprung his trap on Unit Bravo all those days ago.

“Get them out of here,” he commands a woman nearby.

“But—” she begins to protest but is cut off as the man grabs her shirt and yanks her close.

“Now,” he growls. “I won’t lose this advantage.”

The woman stares at the group. The vampires may be injured and pumped full of DMB, but the task is obviously a daunting one by the grimace on her face.

She takes one step forward…and disappears back into the dark of the hallway as something rips her back.

The man stumbles into the room. His eyes pop open so wide in fear that Ava wonders if they’ll actually just fall out.

Shaking his head, he grips the vault door and begins to swing it shut.

But it barely makes it an inch.

“How did you get in here?” The man stumbles back, almost tripping over his own feet to retreat.

Ava peers through dim light to the figure that has the man so terrified.

It's no surprise that the terror is inspired by the sight of Rebecca.

“You took my team,” she replies in her usual calm manner. The only sign she’s gone through any fight at all is her jacket has a rip in one seam and she seems to be favouring her right side.

“You’re just…” The man then stares over her with gaining confidence. He chuckles darkly. “You’re just a human.”

The man snaps his hand forward.

Rebecca easily dodges, catching his wrist under her arm and snapping it up.

There’s a loud crack which reverberates around the room.

“Yeesh!” Felix yells. “That sounded like it hurt.”

Their captor falls to one knee, letting out a yelp as he does. He takes a sharp breath. “You won’t take—”

He doesn’t get to finish his words before Rebecca brings up her knee sharply right under his chin.

Rebecca then discards him, kneeling down to snap a pair of thick cuffs on him.

And it’s only then she turns to face Unit Bravo.

Her face creases into concern. “Are you all right?”

“We are now,” Nat replies with a smile.

“How did you find us?” Ava asks as Rebecca makes her way over to undo the binds. The rope falls away from Ava's skin and relief washes over her instantly.

Rebecca moves over to help Mason. “The Agency managed to find your location, but they were worried about sending in another team with all of you already being taken down.”

“We wouldn’t have been if they hadn’t had that damn DMB,” Mason retorts, rubbing the red marks on his skin.

Nat stares at her. “You came alone?”

“There was no other choice,” she replies in a sharp tone. 

Unit Bravo manage to clamber onto their feet.

“Now what?” Ava asks, straightening as much as possible with the DMB still making her vision blurred.

Rebecca grits her teeth. “Back to The Agency.”

“You don’t need to tell me twice,” Felix says, already scooting out of the room as fast as possible.

The others follow, and Nat is about to when she notices Rebecca's pace slowing.

“Are you all right?”

Rebecca swallows hard. “I was injured.”

“After taking on a building full of armed people?” Nat says with a chuckle. “I’m hardly surprised. Let me see.”

“It’ll be fine,” Rebecca replies but falls against a pillar nearby.

“Please,” Nat insists.

And with a reluctant motion, Rebecca teases her ripped jacket back.

Nat’s skin pales.

Blood runs like water from an open faucet from a gash torn into Rebecca’s side.


“Just go,” Rebecca says, shoving Nat forward. But she stumbles and tips forward.

Nat catches her with ease.

Their handler doesn’t move.

“Ava!” Nat yells, panicked hands gripping Rebecca close to her and staring down at her. “Ava!”

The team leader appears only a moment later, followed close behind by Felix and Mason.



Rebecca still carries the scar from that mission!

Hope you enjoyed it! :D



Mum is so bad ass! No wonder all my MCs looked up to her.


Can we tell our mom she's a total badass? lol

Erin Hayes

A great mom AND a total badass? Go Agent Mum!


This totally lived up to my expectations and more. The rescue mission is my total trope weakness. I hope my detectives can eventually become as awesome as Rebecca T.T

Afroditi Nikou

Rebecca is totally awesome! I love these stories. I hope the detective will get to have a few more badass moments too.


Rebecca is a BAMF!!


Rebecca!! Dang no wonder even M respects her!


Holy guacamole! I knew mum Rebecca is a great agent with this is another level!