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As you might be able to tell, I'm pretty excited about that, hehe :D

I even treated myself to a seriously tasty apple turnover as a reward! 

N's and F's scenes for Chapter 7 are complete! I will be starting M's on Monday, way before I had planned! Things are really going so well on the writing front and it's a major boost of motivation to hit targets so much sooner than planned.

M's Chapter 7 should be so much different again than the others, and there's one particular bit I'm very eager to write...it's gonna be great fun :D

So yeah, an absolutely brilliant week for writing and hopefully another super productive one next week!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share one of the choice reponses from Felix/Farah's route.

I chuckle at ${f_his} amazed expression. "You look like you've never been to a carnival before."

"I haven't," ${f_she} replies.

Not an unexpected answer, but it still makes my chest tug a little. "How much of this world have you actually managed to experience?"

"Not much," ${felix} replies, and blinks out of ${f_his} reverie to look at me. "But I've never had someone I've wanted to experience it with before."


Oh guys, I had so much fun slipping those proper romantic starts in there!!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I'll talk to you all on Monday! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email or message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet and tech, but I'll send out rewards/messages as soon as I finish work on Monday!)  



The Agency doesn't deserve F and that's a fact.


that preview....I love you F ❤uwu

Katie Williams

F is too precious. We are not worthy.

Cyprus Lawson

M's is starting soon, omg omg I'm so excited!!


THAT CHOICE THO MY HEART!! I will take F to any human activity they want!! 😭