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Laycott’s Bar and Grill has made some kind of effort for Valentine’s: a couple of salmon pink streamers, red napkins on the beer-stained tables, and even some wrinkled, heart-shaped balloons hanging sadly from the dark wood beams.

Overall, it’s a pretty sorry attempt, but I’m sure the dining couples don’t even notice as they stare with loving gazes and eyes only for each other.

“Another?” Chen asks, swinging a bottle in front of me in questioning.

I sigh. “Yeah, thanks.”

The only thing I have to stare at are my work reports—and I really don’t love those.

“Well…heeeey there…” A slurred voice sounds from beside me. “How’s it someone like you,” they jab a finger towards me, “is all alone on a special day like today?” Their eyelids sink closed one at a time in what I can only assume is a drunken wink attempt.

I wave my hand in front of me to dispel some of the alcohol breath, then open my mouth to speak.

When someone else gets there first.

“The Detective is not alone.”

Both the stranger and I swing around to see Adam shadowing over us.

The drunk stranger eyes all of Adam’s solid, large frame and gulps. “Sorry, mate. I didn’t…you know…”

“Leave,” Adam orders.

The stranger trips over their own feet to follow the command with haste.

I shake my head with a smile. “You always know the best way to make new friends.”

Adam grunts. “I need no new friends.”

“That’s lucky then, considering your people skills,” I mutter. “What are you doing here anyway? I thought we weren’t meeting until later tonight.”

A flicker of unease cracks through his stoic mask for a moment. “The others insisted we have the meeting now.”

I glance about the bar. “Where are they?”

“They insisted we do it,” he shifts, “alone.”

“Just the two of us?” I ask, almost toppling off my stool at the prospect.

Adam thins his lips. “So it would seem.”

“Um, okay…” I say in slow words. “Guess we should get going then. Haley is going to let us use her café so as we have somewhere private.”

He nods.

After grabbing my coat and files, and paying my tab, we head through the awkward obstacle course of loving couples before making it out into the cool night air.


It’s not far to Haley’s over at The Square, but it feels like miles as we walk in silence. Every time a giggling, Valentine’s-hyped couple passes us, Adam and I glance at each other on instinct…before quickly snapping our gazes in opposite directions.

Haley’s Bakery is dark and locked up by the time we get there—no surprise considering it’s only a couple of hours off midnight. Sliding the key she lent me into the lock, the door clicks and swings inside to let us enter.

Adam flicks on the lights.

And the two of us are greeted with an explosion of Valentine’s. It looks like Cupid threw up in here.

“The owner certainly gets into the spirit of these…events.” Adam inspects the room with a half-grimace.

“She sure does,” I reply. “Let’s, uh, just get on with work.”

Adam nods in eager agreement, and navigates his way through the Valentine’s décor with care, as though touching it might infect him.

And so, under the twinkle of fairy lights and the aura of heart-shaped bunting, we settle down to sort out the patrol reports for the month.

It’s a boring task, but we’ve done this enough times now that I know Adam’s focus doesn’t usually stray as much as it does tonight. Especially not when it focuses so much on me.

“Is everything all right?” I ask.

“Of course,” he replies, then quickly flicks his gaze back down to his neat stack of papers.

“You sure? You seem a bit unfocused.”

He stares at me for a moment. “It’s…it’s all of this.” He gestures about the room’s décor. “It’s distracting.”

I chuckle. “Ah, I see. Still, you don’t usually get perturbed, even by this stuff.”

He doesn’t respond, so I try to ignore the pang of disappointment at his silence and focus back on my reports.


After an hour of relative quiet, I almost jump out of my skin when Adam starts talking.

“Do you enjoy this kind of thing?” he asks.

I raise a brow and realise he’s talking about Valentine’s. “Sure. Who doesn’t enjoy some romance now and then?” I give a smile.

His focus drops to my lips and then back up to my eyes. “You deserve that.”

“Deserve what?”

“Someone to love you,” he says barely above a whisper. “To be able to give you everything.”

My heart seems to seize in my chest, his green eyes locked on mine and dazzling in the gleam of the twinkling lights.

“I don’t need everything,” I reply, or I think I do. All I can hear is the blood rushing around inside my head as our hands brush together. 

Adam smiles. An actual smile that stays on his lips.

It’s stunning.

“You deserve it all the same.”

“Adam…” My body works on reaction rather than thought. I stretch my fingers out to cover his. He doesn’t pull away. “Don’t you want the same?”

“What I want…” He stops himself, but his other hand moves to draw his fingertips over my cheek. I lean into the touch. 

Whatever has come over him, it has my whole body tingling in anticipation.

“Yes? What do you want?” The words come out on a breath.

His thumb whispers over my bottom lip, tugging on it slightly. “It doesn't matter."

"Of course it does," I say, grabbing his hand as he moves to take it away. "It matters to me."

"Don't you understand?" Adam snaps, though the emotion in his words is not anger. He leans so close towards me that our noses almost brush together. "How can I admit what I want when I want y—”

A sudden screech of giggles sounds from outside and breaks through the private atmosphere of the café. We both look to see a couple pass by the window, kissing and hugging as they go.

Adam withdraws his hands from mine and grips his pen tightly.

He doesn’t say anything more.

And his focus no longer strays from the papers.


 This ended up being much longer than expected! But I hope you enjoyed it, hehe :D 

Happy Valentine's! <3 


Katie Williams

I have never wanted to arrest a couple more - we were so close! He was so close to being open and they ruined it 😭😭😭


Wow, this was /exactly/ my kind of mutual pining angstromance, I am dead! I loved every second! Thank you so much, it was perfect. &lt;3


"How can I admit what I want when I want y—” Put this on my gravestone please.


I want to cry. Please Adam let MC love you.


This is go good!!! Adam let me love you!!


This was so Good, i just smiled and held my breath at the same time. Thank you so much for giving this to us 😀❤

Sydney Robertson

Am I the only one who thought Farah/Felix was the one who giggled at first?


That would have been hilarious! F just staring through the window...can't imagine A would have been so happy, lol! :D


Darn you, giggling couple!! You mood ruiners!!

Eliott Ross

Oh Adam you fool, just admit you like them so you can smoooooch! And I fully expected the giggling at the end to be UB looking in through the window and F giving them away.


Oh nooo! Next time they might actually get to kiss!

Hafsah Hafizah Titingan



AHHHHH YOU WERE SO CLOSE ADAM YOU WERE SO KRIFFING CLOSE also i can't help but feel that whenever A and the Detective finally do get the first kiss it'll turn out like in Dragon Age where something's ABOUT to happen and then someone shows up with paperwork and A (and the Detective depending on personality) just GLARES at the offender and the moment's almost ruined when A decides screw it and they FINALLY GET THAT MOMENT

Samantha Murphy

I just yelled and my mom got mad at me XD


Almost a full year later but I love the fact that this references the Cullen romance! (does it happen in any others? I've only gotten around to playing his lol) Definitely made me smile :)