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"Oh bells!" Farah yells.

Adam stares at her with a frown from across the living room. "Excuse me?"

"I forgot the bells for the tree!" she exclaims, gesturing with both hands to the massive christmas tree that she'd made Nate go out and chop down to drag inside. There were only about a hundred bugs to get rid of after it was set up.

Adam sighs. "Must we really add ornaments that make noise too?"

"Jeez, get some holiday spirit," Farah says, turning back to examine her work on the tree. 

I hand her a glimmering bauble which glitters even further in the twinkling christmas lights that Morgan has been ordered to drape about the room. Her christmas spirit had to be cajooled to appear as much as Adam's had under Nate's gentle persuasion.

"Would you mind getting the bells?" Farah asks me, offering a pleading look that makes my shoulders sag instantly in defeat.

"Sure," I reply and get up from my place sorting ornaments on the floor.

"Thanks!" She slides her amber gaze to Adam. "Hey, you're not doing anything but ruining our mood. Why don't you go help?"

Adam rolls his eyes so hard I think he might tip backwards. Yet he actually agrees. So the two of us begin to stride across the living room to head out.

We both take one step through the doorway and Farah lets out a shriek which freezes us in our tracks.

"What now?" Adam barks.

Farah races closer to us, her hands clutched to her face and her eyes shining like pure gold. "Look!" She points up.

My heart is already in my throat before I even spot the mistletoe dangling like a weight over us. "Oh."

My eyes drop to meet Adam's, who turns away and swallows hard.

"I'm not—"

"You're not getting away without kissing our Detective. It's tradition!" Farah says then pulls a face. "You want me to tell Nate you weren't getting into the spirit of things?"

Adam grits his teeth. "Fine..."

"And you?" Farah asks in a way that is more a demand than a question.

I take a steadying breath. "I guess it is tradition."

"Great!" she bursts out. Her face twists into a grin. "Now kiss."

Adam and I turn to face each other, his broad shoulders and muscled stature almost filling the doorway and making it a little difficult to move. Instead we end almost pressed up against each other.

His hand slides onto my waist, and I flinch from the unexpectedly intimate gesture. 

He quickly snaps it away again. "I apologise."

"It's all right. It's fine, I mean." The words fall from my mouth in a blabber. 

He stares over my expression to see if I'm telling the truth and then replaces his hand on my waist. The weight of his hand has my heart thudding a tune that I want on repeat for the rest of my life.

Our gazes lock, and for a long moment neither of us dare to move.

"Come on..." Farah groans. 

Even Morgan has stopped what she's doing and is staring over at us with a long smirk. "Come on you two," she says in a taunting voice.

Adam growls low at them.

"We don't have to," I say.

"I want to."

We both stare wide-eyed at each other at his reply.

"I mean," he backtracks. "It'll keep Farah off my back."

I tense a little at the cold response. "Right."

But the coldness melts into a sparking heat when his hand slides further up my back and draws me so close our chests press together.

His gaze falls to my lips.

And I forget everything but the anticipation which suddenly sparks as brightly as christmas lights inside my chest.



hgfddfgbv this was too cute omg Farah thank you for bringing up how tradition is important! Adam being all forward and the sudden "I want to" aaaah I LOVE IT!💞


First off... “Cajooled” is a great word and I am happy to see it being using in A-related content more. Second. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! 💕 THIS WAS SO GREAT!!


Oh my god what a cliffhanger, can’t wait to experience the real deal when the time comes *^* You are a master of the quill Sera!




*Squeals like a fangirl* Love it! <3


Oh...my...god.... You're killing me again!

Natasha Foster

I was so jittery - in a good way - that I just had a full-body spasm. And my heart may have stopped... Sera, my high expectations of men don't come from Disney, C: SYP, or how I was raised (at least, not entirely); they come from Adam and Nate! lol


Oh my god, my heart was going to burst with all this tension! 😍

Twilight Katana



I SIMPLY CANNOT DEAL *flips table*

Kiah Watson

I should have seen this coming, and yet *still* it hit me at the end xDDD