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So, this is the first Update+ post! 

Update+ will be my usual weekly progress report that I post on Tumblr and the Forums, but with something a little extra! Sometimes it'll be my favourite quote from the chapter I'm currently writing, or it might be a more in depth explanation about what I worked on that week, etc.

And now to this week's Update+ :D


I’m still away until Monday, so not much progress to report this  week. Instead I thought I’d post a little bit about my plans for the  time remaining until Christmas break! :D

This week was spent a lot on trying to make sure everyone was contacted about rewards on Patreon. I'm still waiting to hear back from some people about their choices for the rewards, so if you could check your messages on Patreon and get back to me, I'll make sure to send out the rewards you want ASAP when I get back on Monday!

Next week, I’ll likely be  editing and sorting through the chapters I have. The demo was only  partially edited, so I’ll get that up together as well as fix any  glitches or pronoun problems people have caught. I will be updating the  demo before Christmas, though it won’t add anything new, just will have  the edits and fixes so it plays more smoothly!

Then will come prep for Chapter 7...this will likely take me all the way up to Christmas break.

Why, you may ask, is prep gonna take that long for this chapter? :D

Well, Chapter 7 is HUGE.  There are no split scenes in Chapter 7 for the LIs, it’s a split  chapter :D Kinda like the fight in the rain chapter of Book One with  Murphy, except, well, bigger, far more individual, and more  romance-focused, lol!

There’s quite a bit of stuff I need to get  ready before I dive into it (checking some coding, filling out the plan  more than bullet points, etc), and I also don’t want to start writing a  chapter I have to stop in the middle of before break. I’d rather wait  and start completely fresh in the new year on a chapter I am INCREDIBLY  excited about writing, hehe! Like no joke, guys, this chapter has me  vibrating with anticipation already and I haven’t even got to start it  yet, lol :D

So yeah, that’s my plan for the remainder of this year. Can’t believe how fast that has come around!

For the Update+ part this week, I thought I would share with you some news about December's month's Monthly Content Bonuses!

As it's Christmas—my ultimate and favourite holiday—in December, I will be doing 4 monthly content bonus instead of 2, as a Thank you/Christmas present for you all!

Owl Quill will have access to 2 instead of just 1, and all other tiers will have access to all 4.

The content will be scenarios centered around the theme, 'Beneath the Mistletoe' ;)

Thursday 6th December: The Tradition of Mistletoe (Adam/Ava)

Thursday 13th December: Mischief and Mistletoe (Felix/Farah)

Thursday 20th December: Mistletoe Moment (Nate/Nat)

Thursday 27th December: Melting by the Mistletoe (Mason/Morgan)

Here's a sneak peek from Adam/Ava's scenario:

"It's tradition!" Farah says, then pulls a face. "You want me to tell Nate you weren't getting into the spirit of things?"

Adam grits his teeth. "Fine..."


Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend, and I’ll talk to you all on Monday! :) 

EDIT: Corrected the dates to the correct Thursdays in December! :D



Thank you for all of your hard work! I think we are all vibrating at the same frequency, here 😀


*heavy breathing* I’m so excited oh my god. Have a nice break, Sera!!


Counting the days for specially the 13th, any F content is a blessing /sobs


Mishka, your vibrating with anticipation has *me* doing the same! Because things you get that excited about have only been amazing in the past :D

Natasha Foster

I'm literally flailing my arms around cuz I'm so psyched! lol And I'm not ashamed to (also) admit that I screamed and scare everyone in the apartment. Can't wait, Mishka - you're amazing!

Triple Eye

Marking December 13 on my calendar with a giant neon sign.


Thank you for an early Christmas gift Sera! =)


Thank you so much. <3 I'm so excited and emotional about it all.<3 All the good emotions. Enjoy your break. :-)


Marking especially December 6 and 29 for my two grumpy boys! Thank you so much Sera for the the gift! <3