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Hello everyone,

I wanted to give a bit of an update even though things haven't been too great. In short, I'm in a rut, the things I have to do seem like a mountain even though I know for a fact they aren't, and I'm just not feeling it. As a sort of related news, I'm also leaving for two weeks. My dad has cancer. It was detected early but it's apparently quite aggressive so he's being rushed to do a battery of tests for an operation as soon as possible. The situation developed rather quickly over the last few weeks. My parents are in their 60s and my mom has had her lot of health issues as well so I'm leaving tomorrow to stay with them for two weeks so I can cook meals, be the taxi, and so on.

I'll be bringing my computer to try and work as well so I'm not going on a full hiatus. I'm hoping that the new environment will help my productivity (which has been at rock bottom these past few weeks) more than the added responsibilities will take of my time.

Thanks for your patience and I hope I have better news next time!


John Frazer

All the best to your dad and your family as you deal with this. Even if the scenery change helps you out of your rut, make sure to not stretch yourself too much.


If there ever was a time calling for a hiatus, it's this - please don't think you'd have to apologize for it, and all the best to your dad.