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I don't wanna spend too much time on this update because I have a lot of work ahead of me today. I have a couple pieces of news to share, and lots of progress. Let's dive right into it!

I've been quite busy with three things: working on Part 6, working on my presentation, and preparing the vacation to Germany. I have to thank my girlfriend for taking care of 90% of the last one, she's a trooper (and she loves planning vacations). Even my off days have been pretty filled with family visits, birthday dinners and stuff like that.


Not much to say on that front, other than I've been reworking my slides and I need to practice the presentation itself in the next week or two. The feedback I've been given is very detailed and has many great ideas, so I've been implementing a lot of it.

Part 6 

Work on Part 6 is continuing at a very quick pace. I've had multiple long days this week, challenging sections, tedious sections, but I am progressing at a pace where my initially planned release date is still the goal. Here's the current progress:

I am slightly behind schedule but the final days of production were not filled to the brim, so I still have high hopes. I will reveal the video and announce the release time and date publicly on Twitter and YouTube probably on Sunday.

Production stream

The last production stream of Part 6 will be tomorrow. It will be a bit shorter than last time, probably from about 11:00 or 12:00, to 4:30 pm EDT at the latest. I have a friend's birthday party to attend in the evening. Keep your eyes peeled for a link tomorrow morning.


This section spends a long time on just a few frames of gameplay. I've made it a lot more dynamic by creating an effect where the camera rotates around Mario while the game is frozen. It was quite a challenge to make but the result looks so much more dynamic!

Showing some details of the incredible achievement that was the lobby movement for entering Secret Aquarium.

An explanation of hyperspeed grinding.

That's it! The video is coming out on Wednesday. The exact time is still undecided but it should be in the early evening (Eastern Time). Stay tuned for a public announcement of the time and date on Sunday.

I know I've been a bit sparse with the updates this time, but instead of it being because I was ashamed of how little progress I had, it was because I was so busy making progress on the video! If you haven't, please consider checking out the Discord channel, where I post almost daily about how things are advancing. 

Thank you for your support, and see you tomorrow for the stream, or Wednesday for the release!


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