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Final thoughts: https://youtu.be/VsIPdO_3Ebs





I referenced it on an Avatar episode a little while ago, but my favorite book is The Hobbit. My history with Tolkien's stories is a little interesting. My first introduction to Tolkien, was a Hobbit video game from 2003, which I may have mentioned here before. My uncle introduced me to Tolkien when I was maybe 5 and from there we read the books and watched the movies together. It took a while to get through the books, and sadly he passed away when I was 10 and we never got to finish them. I think we were halfway through The Two Towers by that point. Since then, I have watched the movies countless times, played a lot of the video games, and engaged in many discussions about Tolkien lore. I just recently started rereading the books, starting from the Hobbit. Going back and reading them as an adult has reminded me how much I love them. I can't wait to get to where we left off, as I never actually finished The Lord of the Rings books. Tolkien has an incredibly unique style of writing, which I especially loved in The Hobbit. Reading it actually feels like Tolkien himself is telling you the story, much like he would tell his children. I think you mentioned in a reply to my Avatar comment you hadn't read The Hobbit in a very long time, but if you ever find the time, I couldn't recommend enough giving it another read.


This truly is the WAR arc in Mha…. insane! Just when you think that some of them might be okay… In response to your question, maybe The Reader? I think that many people don’t understand the message, but if you do, its incredible.