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Somehow, Anakin Skywalker returned.

One moment he was one with the Force, a disembodied spirit of a long-dead man. The next he was kneeling on a mound of sand, painfully corporeal. This…this was not supposed to happen.

Anakin blinked, taking a moment to reconcile the transcendent knowledge and oneness he had gotten used to over the past decades, with the limitations of a flesh and blood brain.

Sand surrounded him, just as coarse, rough and irritating as Anakin remembered from his cursed childhood on Tattooin. Granted, this planet, whatever it was, was not Tattooin. It felt nearly as unpleasant to his sensibilities, but there was only one sun beating down on his exposed skin.

Anakin narrowed his eyes, finally confident in what was going on in the galaxy before he was so unceremoniously kicked out of the closest thing this galaxy had to a paradise.

Fury flooded his veins, hot and hungry for action, filling his body with strength and energy desperate to be used. For a moment the nearby sand shook as barely restrained power radiated off of Anakin’s form. It was tempting to explode on the closest target, to vent his anger and frustration until he was feeling better.

Anakin let out a shaky breath.


No. No. No.

That way lay the Dark Side. Anakin had tried that and found it wanting. Regardless of what was responsible for Anakin’s current condition, it was best not to waste the second chance.

Especially considering that everything Anakin had fought, suffered and died for in his first life, ended up as worthless failure and a source of immeasurable disappointment.

Luke…For a moment fatherly love and affection surged within Anakin’s heart…before being ruthlessly crushed by the knowledge of what his wayward son was up wasting his life on.

Life that Padme, dear sweet, courageous Padme, died to bring into this world!

How could a man, who once risked his life and that of countless people in order to reach out to a monster responsible for the deaths of billions, decide to kill a child, his own nephew no less, based on just one dream? It took Anakin months of dreams far worse, to even begin being tempted by the Darkside, and yet Luke gift wrapped Ben for the Sith after just one.

And to add insult to injury, Luke did nothing since then to address the issue!

What a bitter disappointment Luke turned out to be.

Speaking of disappointment ... .Ahsoka, his wayward padawan, was no better. She was one of the few people in the galaxy who still retained knowledge of jedi lore, from secrets of the Force techniques to lightsaber forms, she could have been an incredible help for Luke’s new Jedi temple.

Alas, for Ahsoka gallivanting around the galaxy doing pretty much anything other than anything useful, was a bigger priority than helping bring balance to the Force. Or at least fight the good fight against the sith and those that would serve them.

Afterall, Palpatine turned out to be not as dead as Anakin would have hoped. And what a bitter pill THAT had been to swallow. The damn grooming bastard had survived the Death Star explosion and somehow found a way to continue amassing power.

Fortunately, not all was lost. Palpatine was no longer the shadowy figure, looming over Anakin. He’d seen the old bastard defeated once, he’ll make sure to finish the job this time. After all, this time Palpatine left himself dangerously exposed.

His granddaughter - a young force sensitive woman named Rey was on this planet, ripe to be taken in and educated in the ways of the jedi before Palpatine could discover and reclaim her.

A smile tugged on the corner of Anakin’s mouth. It had been decades since opened himself to the Force in such a manner, but it was a skill firmly ingrained into him. He could no more forget how to do it, than fish suddenly forget how to swim.

Anakin reached into the force, trying to find his quarry. The link between them was tenuous and Rey’s lack of training didn’t help matters, but the mere knowledge of her was everything Anakin needed.


Anakin sensed something faintly. A muted sense of loneliness and yearning for something greater came from one particular direction, a fair distance away.

With a semblance of a plan ready and a destination in mind, the jedi-turned-sith-turned reborn jedi set out in the direction of one Rey Palpatine.


Hours later, Anakin was done with this planet. It was a hot, dirty ball of sand and trash with the closest thing it had to a redeeming quality was the absence of the Hutt on it.

Sweat soaked through Anakin’s clothes and his boots were full of sand and every minute Anakin had to spend Jakku only made him angrier and more determined to take out his frustrations on Palpatine's granddaughter.

Anakin took a deep breath and then slowly released it, trying his best to let go of the frustration.

“Calm down, Annie.” Anakin thought. “Stewing in anger will not get you anywhere other than back into the armour. Or worse, back with Palpatine.”

With the old bastard still clinging to life that was a distinct possibility.

Anakin shuddered in revulsion.

Fortunately, his suffering had not been in vain. After hours of trekking through the desert, Anakin finally reached his target. She was alone, moving purposefully deeper into the desert.

Anakin would have preferred to handle this somewhere vaguely civilised, where he would have less reason to worry about sand getting into uncomfortable places, but desert hideout did offer the benefit of privacy.

The girl must have been tired, or particularly exhausted to not have noticed Anakin trailing behind her. His ratty old cloak might not have been as noticeable as his preferred outfits, but Anakin still stood to even a casual observer.

The Emperor's granddaughter remained blissfully ignorant of his presence, giving Anakin plenty of opportunity to sneak up behind her once they were close to the old wreck she was living in.

Anakin struck, unleashing a small portion of his power on the likely completely untrained young woman.

“Hey!” Rey exclaimed as her staff was forced out of her grip.

She spun around, her eyes wide with fear and aggression. Say what you will about shitholes like Jakku on Tatooine but they ingrained some good instincts.  When Rey saw Anakin, there was no hesitation in her, she charged, likely hoping to seize the initiative and score a hit.

Anakin was stronger. Jedi training might have focused on philosophy, the Force and the Lightsaber forms, but it did give solid grounding in hand to hand combat. The War and various misadventures Anakin had found himself in, only served to polish that edge. With casual ease, Anakin threw the staff aside and caught Rey’s punch, easily redirecting the meagre force behind it and twisting Rey’s arm.

“Frak!” Rey hissed in pain as Anakin forced her on her knees.

“Calm down. I want to talk.” Anakin lied.

Rey struggled for a moment more, before figuring out that she was severely outmatched. She slumped, fight leaving her.

“Good girl.” Anakin praised her warmly. Just because she was the byblow of that bastard Palpatine, didn’t mean he couldn’t offer some positive reinforcement. It was best to incentivise her to follow his commands.

“What do you want?” Rey snapped sullenly.

She sounded angry and the expression on her face matched the voice, but when Anakin looked closer, beneath the layer of grime and dust, there was no mistaking a small blush colouring her cheeks.

Really, she wasn’t an ugly woman. Her attire might have done her no favours, but neither did they detract much from her fit athletic figure. Brown hair and eyes might have been a touch plain, without any of Padme’s splendour, but they were cute enough.

Anakin couldn’t wait to sample her perky breasts and tight little ass. Decades of incorporeal existence had nothing to stymy his libido.

“My name is Anakin Skywalker and, as you’ll soon be calling me. Master.” Anakin said once he frog marched Rey into the blessedly cool shade of the derelict ship.

“Skywalker? Like Luke Skywalker?” Rey asked, wary, but with an unmistakable spark of excitement in her eyes.

Anakin smiled and let go of her hand.

“Exactly.” Anakin levitated around several objects lying around to demonstrate his Force ability. “As you can see, I am a Jedi.”

Rey stared hungrily at the demonstration, her anger all but forgotten. There was hunger there, a desperate wish to obtain these powers. For now this would serve Anakin well, but perhaps it would be best to keep an eye on it.

“I came here, because I sensed a great deal of potential from you, Rey.”

The young woman licked her lips.

“Potential? To be a Jedi?” She asked.

Anakin nodded.

“If you agree, I’ll take you on as a padawan. Of course, usually Force sensitive individuals must go through the youngling stage first, but with the Jedi Order being…unavailable,” Thanks for nothing Luke. “It's best if I start your training directly.” Anakin said.

For a moment Rey looked overwhelmed, hopeful and excited, before her expression curdled.

“I can’t.” She said pitifully. “I must stay here for when my parents come back.”

“Listen to me Rey.” Anakin said, command in his voice. He gently cupped Rey’s face, ignoring for a moment the way the young woman leaned into his touch. “Nothing is more important than this. This is what you’ve been waiting for all these years. This is your destiny.”

And just like that, Rey’s paper thin resolve crumbled into nothingness.

“Yes, Master.” Rey said.

Anakin could hear the excitement in the young woman’s voice. Anakin was feeling it too, though of course, his feelings were of a much more carnal nature.

“Good. Now get on your knees.” Anakin said.

Rey blinked confused for a second, before realisation hit her. A full blown blush flooded her fair skin. In many ways, Rey was very sheltered and hopelessly naive, but she still grew up on this shithole of a planet, where Law was, at best, a polite fiction major gangs sometimes agreed to uphold. She knew what Anakin wanted of her.

And judging by the furtive glances she shot at his crotch, Rey did not mind it at all.

“Yes, Master.” She said. It was almost adorable how she tried to act all sultry.


Anakin’s liberated cock slapped against startled Rey, leaving a red mark on her cheek. For a moment Rey just stared, dumbfounded at Anakin’s cock, breathing rapidly as her eyes struggled to take in the sheer size of it.

It towered over her, casting a deep shadow over her face.

“Well?” Anakin asked, tired of waiting. Rey had to take the first step.

Spell broken, Rey fell upon his cock like a thirsty woman that had just found water in a desert. Her lips embraced the engorged cockhead. Rey moaned, her eyes rolling back until Anakin could see the whites of her eyes. The taste and the musk must have been getting to her.

She sucked Anakin’s dick with more passion than true skill, gagging and choking on his cock flesh, with saliva dripping down onto the floor. Still there was not stopping Anakin’s newest padawan. She bobbed her head back and forth, each time taking in more and more of his cock. Before long, Rey could take in half of it, with her gag reflex getting in the way.

Anakin couldn’t have that. He grabbed the back of his padawan’s head and slowly pushed his hips forward.

“Glurgkh!” Rey choked and gagged, her poor little throat struggling to accommodate the sheer girth of Anakin’s cock.

Rey was rubbing her thighs together, desperate to get some relief for her poor neglected pussy, which was weeping from desire.

Her throat twitched and spasmed around Anakin's invading cock, doing its best to milk an orgasm out of her master.

Rey might have been a virgin, but the feminine instincts buried deep within her blood were waking and directing Rey's unconscious efforts.

With her mouth full of cock, and her throat spasming around her Master’s phallus, there was no way Rey could breathe. Slowly, her face grew red, then purple from lack of air. Before long, black spots started appearing in Rey’s vision as she drew closer and closer to unconsciousness.

“Is he going to kill me?” Rey thought, her mind a jumbled mess of arousal and fear.

But no, right in the last moment before Rey could fade to black, Anakin pulled away, withdrawing his magnificent cock from Rey’s mouth.

Rey took a quick panicked breath and almost came from the ecstasy of finally being able to properly inhale. Did oxygen always feel so great?

But the respite did not last long. Before Rey could gather herself, Anakin thrust his cock into Rey’s mouth, much to the masochistic slut’s delight.

“Honestly Rey, I expect better  from my Padawan.” Anakin shook his head. “My wife, Padme, could take all of my cock and without any help too. And unlike you she wasn’t Force sensitive.”

A spark of determination kindled in Rey’s eyes. Determined not to be outdone by this `Padme` character, Rey pushed herself forward, impaling her throat and not stopping until her lips formed an airtight seal around the base of her Master’s cock.

“Glurgkh.” Rey gurgled when Anakin pushed her head deeper into his crotch and came, flooding her gullet with his cum.

Anakin just kept cumming, shooting rope after rope of cum down Rey’s throat, until her stomach was full, making her feel bloated. When was the last time she felt full? Must have been one of those times, she lucked into finding valuable scrap that netted her enough for a decent meal.

Her eyes rolled back from pleasure as an orgasm hit her like a sledgehammer.

“This,” Ahsoka decided, “is a much more satisfying meal.”

For a moment the two lovers basked in the afterglow of their oral intercourse, but then someone interrupted them.



Ahsoka hadn’t known why her instincts were calling her to this backwater desert world, whose only feature of note was a downed star destroyer. Still, Ahsoka was used to trusting the will of the Force. If it said Ahsoka had to be here, then there must have been some urgent need.

Oh boy, was there.

The moment Ahsoka saw her old Master standing over some young woman, memories rushed back. Memories Ahsoka had hoped to bury deep in recesses of her mind. Scary, fascinating recollections of the time when Ahsoka was Anakin Skywalker’s slut.

A moment’s hesitation passed and hesitation was replaced by fury in Ahsoka’s heart.

Anak- No. Darth Vader was pure evil. Luke claimed he had turned away from the Darkside, but then again these days Ahsoka didn’t put much stock in Luke’s judgemenent of character.

One thing was clear, there was a young woman in need of help and Ahsoka was going to give it to her.

“Get away from her!” Ahsoka screamed and lunged forth, her twin lightsabers igniting.

She swung them in a downward arc, ready to cut down her former Master….

….and then Anakin Skywalker lazily thrust his hand in Ahsoka’s direction and a wall of Force slammed into her, driving breath out of her lungs and twisting her hands until Ahsoka had no choice but to drop her lightsabers.

THe fight, if it could even be called that, lasted no more than a second and ended with Ahsoka panting and utterly at the mercy of her Master.

She struggled for a moment, straining her muscles, Force and will against those of her Master. Futile.

Her heart raced as desire flooded her system. Being completely powerless, reliant on the whims of Anakin Skywalker…It was good to be back where she truly belonged.

Anakin gently caressed her cheek.

“Anything more to say, Padawan?” He asked.

Ahsoka shook her head.

“No, Master.” She said, her voice meek and submissive.

“Good girl.” Anakin said and Ahsoka all but glowed from praise, while Rey, her mouth still full of cock, watched with jealousy. “It’s time to continue your education, Padawan.” Anakin looked around until he saw Rey’s cot. It was going to be a tight fit, but it was large enough for his purposes. “On the bed you two, now.”


Rey’s day had gone insane and she had no regrets about it. When she had been returning to her hideout, her plans pretty much began and ended on sitting around fantasising about finally leaving this dump. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined she would be making out with another woman, while her Jedi Master watched over them, his rock hard cock a premonition of deflowering to come.

Ahsoka and her were lying entwined on her bed, their clothes discarded, their bodies hot and heavy with arousal. Rey was kissing Ahsoka, her fellow Padawan, generously sharing the Master's cum she had worked so hard to get. They were moaning in each other’s mouths, their stiff nipples rubbing each other as they writhed on the bed for the viewing pleasure of their Master.

It didn’t take long for Anakin to grow dissatisfied with merely watching. With dark determination to put these two bitches in their place, Anakin thrust his hips forward and slammed his cock into Ahsoka’s tight orange pussy.

The togruta slut broke the liplock and let a whorish moan, while Rey attacked her neck with quick kisses. Anakin fucked her hard and fast, slowly but surely reshaping her cunt back to being a perfect fit for him.

“I see your cunt missed me, Snips!” Anakin smiled and slapped her ass.

“Y-yes Master!” Ahsoka moaned and pushed her ass back to meet Anakin’s thrusts. “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuuuck!”

Rey looked on, jealous to be left out of. It was her first time dammit.

Luckily, Anakin did not make her wait long. He left Ahsoka’s twitching cunt and pushed his cock into Rey’s once virgin cunt.

“Ngh!” Rey choked on her own spit and left over semen when she finally lost her virginity and felt her Master’s cockhead plant a lewd kiss on the entrance to her womb.

She arched her back and screamed as orgasm rushed through her, setting her endings ablaze with ecstasy.

After that, Anakin settled into a rhythm, fucking their holes, alternating between them, giving both bitches what they desperately craved. It felt good to be back.

Still, as he filled both of their cunts with his hot semen, Anakin wondered what he was going to do next.

He really should give that son of his a stern talk. Then again, there were those Mandalorian women in desperate need of remedial history lessons of Jedi superiority over some jumped up mercenaries.


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