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For a fleeting moment Hinata was tempted to ignore the call, or better yet to flee and hide beyond the boundary of her Hanabi’s Byakugan and Naruto’s sensory abilities. The urge vanished as quickly as it appeared. She was being silly. Wasn’t this what she had dreamt of, but was too cowardly to reach out for?

Now Naruto was denying her the opportunity to set their confrontation on her terms, taking what she had meant to be an exciting if nerve-wracking masturbation session, and turning into…what?

There was only one way to find out.

Nervous, Hinata quickly left her room, still naked and with juices dripping down her thighs, and entered Hanabi’s room.

Smell was the first thing that hit her. Funny, with her Byakugan Hinata was aware of everything that had happened between Naruto and her sister and yet it was the smell of their lovemaking that truly drove that point home.

The heavy aroma of feminine arousal and Naruto’s strong masculine musk filled Hinata’s lungs and quickly made her light headed. She swayed a little on her feet, but managed to maintain balance. Her eyes, with Byakugan no longer active, immediately snapped to Naruto’s semi-flaccid penis and Hanabi’s well-fucked cunt.

Hinata swallowed, her breathing hard and her face flush with arousal.

Slowly, Hanabi rose from the futon with a cum drunk expression on her face. There was no hiding Naruto’s thick cum slowly leaking out of her pussy and dripping down onto the tatami mats. Not that Hanabi was even trying to hide the evidence of her tryst with Naruto.

On the contrary, the little slut was rolling her hips as if trying to show off her dripping snatch, stumbling as if drunk as she approached Hinata.

Subconsciously Hinata licked her lips as her eyes traced the trail of cum down her little sister’s thighs. It was such a waste….

Hinata snapped out of her daze when Hanabi embraced her, pressing her sinful body into hers. With almost a purr, Hanabi nuzzled her big sister’s neck, peppering it with small kisses.

“Why don’t you tell Naruto all about what a dirty little pervert you are, Big Sister.” Hanabi said with a wicked expression on her face.

Naruto watched very attentively as his most recent lover hugged Hinata. The sight was right on the border between wholesome sisterly bonding and carnal incestuous debauchery.

Either way, his cock was hardening at the sight, gaining renewed vigour. Even as his life had gotten so much more sexual recently, Naruto would have never expected sweet shy Hinata to be this deviant. He knew she had a crush on him - he wasn’t That oblivious, but what was happening before his eyes was something else entirely.

Guess, it’s true what they say about the quiet ones.

Still, a pervert or not, Hinata looked reluctant, as if afraid Naruto would scorn her if she said something wrong.

“Hey, don’t worry Hinata.” Naruto rushed to reassure the young woman. “You can be honest with me.”

The big breasted Hyuga smiled shyly.

“It wasn’t anything malicious.” She said, “I would just check up on you with Byakugan, to see you train or have fun with your teammates. It wasn’t anything dirty…not at first. But then you started having sex.” Hinata blushed.

Hanabi grinned wickedly.

“Go on, tell Naruto how you felt then.” She said.

“It was…so hot!” Hinata blurted. “I loved you, I wanted to be with you and yet there you were cavorting with other sluts!” Hinata looked away from Naruto, looking ashamed of her own libido. “At first I wondered, what did I do wrong. Why weren’t you with me, but…this made everything only more enjoyable.” Hinata ended in a whisper.

“Well there you go!” Hanabi said and slapped her elder sister’s fine rear, making it jiggle. “My big sis is a dirty ole cuckquean slut, who gets on feeling inadequate to your other bitches. What do you say, lover?”

Naruto’s cock was twitching furiously, throbbing eagerly to penetrate the nubile females in front of it, making Naruto’s opinion rather obvious. Still, Naruto answered.

“It’s kinda sexy, not gonna lie.” He grinned at Hinata, who still wouldn’t meet his eyes.

Hinata squeaked, while Hanabi’s smile turned positively vulpine.

“Well that’s good to hear. But it’s another matter entirely to see it with your own eyes.” Hanabi turned an imperious gaze on her sister. “On your knees slut. Let’s see if you are worthy of Naruto’s attention.”

What was unfolding before Naruto’s eyes was simply unreal. It was carnal and debauched. Something straight out of Pervy Sage’s books. Then again, wasn't Naruto's entire life like a plot out of Jiraya’s smut books?

Naruto wasn’t complaining. He was watching, entranced by what was unfolding before him. He surrendered to the flow of the encounter, ready and eager to let it play out to the very end.

He was masturbating, languidly stroking his throbbing manhood. Once the two hot sisters no longer titillated him with their incestuous dynamic, Naruto was going to pounce on the fresh slut.

Her legs shaking from excitement, Hinata all but collapsed on the floor. Her face was inches away from her younger sister’s cunt and she could smell the wonderful aroma of Naruto’s seed and Hanabi’s pussy juice.

Hinata chanced a look at Naruto. He was staring at them, at HER, the expression on his face betraying his dark hunger. This sent shivers down Hinata’s spine. She wanted the man she loved to be pleased with her, to look at her with desire and adoration.

And yet at the same time Hinata wanted nothing more than to be degraded by him, FOR him, until there wasn’t a shadow of doubt in his mind, that Hinata was nothing more than a lowly bitch barely worthy of pleasuring his cock.

Luckily Hanabi was happy to assist.

With a forceful tug on her hair that betrayed Hanabi’s shinobi training, the younger Hyuga pressed Hinata’s face into her cunt.

“That’s right bitch. That’s all you are good for - cleaning up better women after they are dicked down by the man you love!” Hanabi said.

Hinata shuddered and a fresh wave of arousal spread through her body, hardening her nipples, making her breath shallower and leaving her tight little pussy weeping with arousal.

Hinata hurried to obey, falling upon her sister’s cunt with wild abandon. She licked and sucked, her tongue working overtime to scoop up every single drop of Naruto’s precious semen.

This was the realisation of almost everything Hinata secretly desired. What choice did she have but to accept this and ride it out to the end?

Hinata’s hand inched towards her pussy. It was just so hot, so full of need for attention. Hinata’s fingers were a poor substitute for what her kitty truly craved, or even for any one of her dildos, but now, with her body so hot and bothered, even her fingers would do.

“No masturbating, you little sow!”

Alas, Hanabi, having fully embraced the role of an alpha female dominating the lower ranked bitch, was determined to deny Hinata even that small amount of relief.

A needy whine burst out of Hinata’s mouth, but was immediately muffled by Hanabi’s pussy. All it did was send pleasant vibrations through Hanabi’s cunt. The younger Hyuga threw her head back and let out a moan.

Hanabi’s body was wracked by spasms and shudders as a toe-curling orgasm rushed through her body.

With her mouth full of Naruto’s semen, Hinata was pulled away from her sister’s pussy. Before Hinata could react, Hanabi pressed her lips to hers and immediately passionately started making out with her.

There was no fight in Hinata - she opened her mouth, obediently letting in Hanabi’s nimble tongue. It quickly started scooping up and stealing cum. Hinata could feel Naruto’s hungry gaze fixed on them, on their liplock. So instead of protesting, Hinata acquiesced to her little sister’s thirst and shared the bounty.

The embrace grew more and more passionate as the two Hyuga sluts surrendered to their incestuous lusts. They pressed their voluptuous bodies together, mashing their tits against one another, letting their hands wander and pinch and caress the exposed flesh.

But eventually the need for air made itself known even to the two trained shinobis. The sisters broke apart, breathing heavy, their faces red from more than merely lack of air.

Hanabi glanced at Naruto, desperate for his approval. There was no way to miss his arousal.

Naruto whistled, impressed.

“You girls sure know how to put on a show.” He laughed and clapped.

Hanabi smiled brightly.

“We try our best.” She said, but then she saw something that made her frown. Naruto’s cock was still dripping with her pussy juices. Immediately her tone became more commanding as she addressed her sister. “Hinata, you proved yourself to me, why don’t you do the same for our master?”

Before Hinata could reply, Hanabi dragged her forward and forced Hinata on her knees, mere inches away from Naruto’s throbbing manhood.

Her eyes wide, Hinata offered no resistance as Hanabi savagely impaled her throat on Naruto’s cock. Immediately, the elder Hyuga sister choked and gagged, her poor throat unprepared for the sudden invasion. That didn’t stop Hanabi. With unyielding pressure, Hanabi forced more and more of the erect man meat down Hinata’s throat, until the entire massive shlong was sheathed inside Hinata’s throat.

“Glurgkh! Glurgkh! Glurgkh!” Hinata struggled to contain Naruto’s manhood, her poor neck bulging from the passage of the penis.

Naruto threw his head back and let out a groan of pleasure, the sound emboldening Hanabi. She redoubled her efforts, reducing her own sister to a mere masturbatory tool she used to please her man. Each time she forced Hinata take the entirety of Naruto’s slut maker, Hanabi slapped her sister’s big ass, mercilessly tormenting it and leaving bright red handprints.

Hinata could only moan and drool and groan, making the experience all the more pleasurable for Naruto.

Reason had long since fled Hinata’s mind, leaving only the basest of feminine instincts - the urge to submit to the most powerful, the most virile male around and become his eager breeding sow.

Before too long, Naruto felt the approach of another orgasm. He was eager and ready to flood Hinata’s stomach with his cum, when suddenly, Hanabi, who had been keeping a careful watch for any sign of his climax, mercilessly pulled Hinata away, leaving Naruto’s cock to twitch and throb in the air, dripping with saliva.

Before it could spray Naruto’s seed uselessly, Hanabi rushed forth and captured the cockhead in the seal of her lips. Immediately, she started sucking and licking, eager to receive a treat.

Meanwhile, Hinata could only watch enviously as her sister stole what Hinata had worked so hard for.

Naruto flooded Hanabi’s mouth with his hot semen. The younger Hyuga sister almost spilled the precious cum, but fortunately managed to swallow it all. By the end of it, Naruto’s cock softened slightly, while Hanabi was feeling full.

But not yet completely satisfied.

Coyly, Hanabi pressed a finger to her lips and looked down at Hinata.

“Darling, do you think the little bitch deserves to experience your cock?” She asked. “Is she really worthy of having your magnificent manhood spread her cunt wide and spew your delicious seed into her empty lonely womb?” Hanabi’s smile turned cruel. “Hinata is, after all, just a dumb bitch, who’d rather watch a better woman fuck the man of her dream than gather up the guts to do it herself.”

Normally, Naruto would have been appalled to see his friend be treated so poorly by her own family. However, he could see that despite the small tears of humiliation,  Hinata was flush with arousal. The slut was practically gagging for the kind of treatment Hanabi was subjecting her to.

So there was no harm in playing along.

“Hmm I don’t know.” Naruto said and watched as Hinata’s face fell. “She had been rather naughty, spying on me without permission.” Naruto remained silent, letting the tension build up. “But then again, there’s its own fun in claiming both of the Hyuga clan heiresses. So really, it’s not a matter of her deserving, or rather not deserving.” Naruto shrugged theatrically. “She is just a toy.”

Hinata shuddered as a mini-orgasm rushed through her body.

Hanabi pressed her dainty little foot into Hinata’s face.

“Thank your lucky stars, you worthless sow. Master decided to amuse himself with your filthy body.”

Hinata, her mind addled from lust and pleasurable carnal surrender, only babbled praise and slavishly worshipped Hanabi’s elegant foot with her tongue.

“Now, Hinata.” Naruto said and Hanabi, sensing his intentions, stepped out of the way. “What pose would you like to be fucked in?”

There was never any doubt in Hinata’s mind.

With renewed vigour, Hinata rushed to assume the pose - on her hands and knees, like a bitch in heat presenting her behind for thorough dicking and breeding.

Hanabi hurried to assist. She grabbed her sister’s rear roughly, her strong fingers sinking into Hinata’s plush rear and spread her asscheeks apart, better exposing Hinata’s vulnerable holes.

Particularly the cunt that was dripping with anticipation of its own defilement.

With an almost animalistic roar, Naruto rushed forth, and promptly impaled Hinata, immediately sheathing his bitch breaker of a cock in its entirety in Hinata’s cunt. The bitch in question howled as agony and pleasure mixed and mingled, further breaking apart the bounds of her sanity.

Naruto did not hesitate to set a punishing pace. He fucked Hinata mercilessly, pistoning in and out of her cunt, each thrust penetrating deep enough to plant lewd kisses on the entrance to her womb.

The power Naruto’s thrust translated through Hinata’s body, making her tits jiggle and swing back and forth. Her massive breasts were targets far too tempting for Naruto to pass them by. He grabbed onto them, without hesitation or a moment of thought tormenting them, striking and slapping them, mauling them and using them for all that they were worth.

Hinata could no longer help it. Being fucked. Being used and abused by Naruto was simply too much for the poor desperate slut, the feelings that she knew Naruto was aware of, demanded to be voiced again. Perhaps a part of her, small deluded part, hoped that this would turn Hinata from Naruto’s cum bucket and into his lover, or perhaps wife.

Hinata raised her head and opened her mouth, but Hanabi trapped her head between her thighs and forced her back to pleasuring her orally.

Hinata was in heaven.

The trio continued their frenzied lovemaking. Writhing against one another and fulfilling each others’ darkest, most perverse dreams.

Orgasm after orgasm wracked Hinata’s body and Hanabi was making ample use of her sister to get herself off. Naruto, meanwhile, increased the pace of his thrusts, feeling the upcoming nut.

He did not know the ramifications of the Hyuga clan getting two children of his loins and at this moment he didn’t care to consider them. Naruto simply forced his cock into Hinata’s womb and came, flooding it with his spunk and painting it white.

The two Hyuga sisters immediately activated their Byakugans and watched, enraptured as Naruto’s swimmers, each and every one of them as energetic as Naruto, rushed forth, ganging up on Hinata’s poor defenceless eggs, impregnating them.

But this was not the end. For though Naruto came, he still had plenty of vigour left and how could a sight of two slutty sisters grinning eagerly at him not arouse carnal hunger in him?


Moans and screams of pleasure spread far and wide throughout the House. It was taking all of Hiashi’s self-control and a healthy sense of self-preservation not to storm his daughter’s room and put an end to that…that…tryst!

Now, the bottle of fine old sake was Hiashi’s only comfort. He downed another healthy gulp, drinking straight from the bottle like an uncultured brute.

“It’s all for the sake of the clan, Hiashi.” The Hyuga clan Patriarch muttered drunkenly. “Think of them future generations.”

Another scream of pleasure pierced the silence of the Hyuga mansion. With a heavy sigh and a forlorn look at an empty bottle, Hiashi got up and stumbled for another. This was going to be a long day.


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